Part 34: A Date At Disneyland

Start from the beginning

Like Joon Myun, the ajusshi responds with the same cold and arrogant attitude, "Whatever you want. I don't really care." Like father, like son.

I felt a rush of anxiety up my bloodstreams. Never have I ever been put on the spot like this, with the exception of high school. "I'm not sure. This is so sudden."

"What if we paid you?" The woman immediately offers. "Say 20,000 won per hour?"

"She won't be able to use that here." The ajusshi clears his throat.

"She will when she returns to Seoul." She turns to me, "You will return right?"

"Of course! Like you," I hesitate for a moment. "I also came here for vacation."

The woman looks at me so politely but shoots darts with her eyes, "So what do you say?"

"Please, eonni?" Ji-Hyun looks at me with puppy dogs eyes, ones that are impossible to refuse.

"I guess I could spare some time." I knew that I would regret this decision.


*3rd POV*

Chaewon sat patiently in her bedroom. As she finishes the last makeup touches, she was interrupted by her phone.

Ring. Ring.

"Speak." she demands in a cold tone.

On the other side, a strong but weak voice of a man can be heard. "I called you because I felt it might be important."

"What is it?" There was coldness in her voice. She began to mist her face in a heavy soft rose scent. "Speak, I do not have much time."

"There has been a new person entering that house lately. A girl."

The perfume glass slipped from Chaewon's hand but did not shatter. She regained her attention on the phone. The mention of the house was enough to grab her attention. "New person? Who?"

The man spoke in a softer and quiet voice and Chaewon emerged into it. After a few minutes, she closed the conversation as the maid comes in with breakfast. Chaewon crossed her legs and arms, eyes full of amusement. "Yang Kim Jina, what a surprise. Who would've thought?"


*Jina's POV*

An hour passed by ever since I entered the doors to Denny's. Being forced to make a conversation, I sat with the Kim family drinking nothing but water while they ate their pancakes. Across was Mrs. Kim, the most chirpy Korean person I've ever met which reminded me of Dr.Min-young and Mr. Kim was the most spiritless Korean person I've ever met. Mr. Kim sat next to Mrs. Kim, fully emerged into the newspaper-I wonder if he's fluent in English. To my right is the daughter who won't stop staring at me and asking me to sing. To my left was is Joon Myun, devoted to his book. He never spared me once glance since I got here what makes sitting next to him ever more awkward.

I concentrated on his posture as he read his book. At this moment, I wished I had my book as well. The way he reads, calm and with solitude. Despite the loud restaurant, he seemed undisturbed. It seemed like he mentally blocked all outside forces from his head. Who knew how long I observed him like a creep until he finally notices me and lifts his head up.

I flushed and looked away immediately. He's really handsome. I can't believe such a handsome guy like him has such a cold personality. Looks do deceive huh?

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