Part 25: A shocking Revelation

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Previously: Wooden suddenly locked his attention to the refreshment tables. I followed his glare. It was him, Kim Joon Myun. The target. My heart suddenly began to race unconsciously because it was acknowledging that our little "mission" was about to commence. But on the other hand, part of me was a bit stroked by how neatly his dark hair swiftly brushed, framing his facial features. How bright and perfect his skin was, especially his eyes. How his suit suited him perfectly. He looked like a 1920s rich and young millionaire. Wooden gestured his right arms towards me and I wrapped my elbows around his, slowly dragging our steps.

Woohyun: Well it's been awhile old friend.

**Author: Just so you know, sometimes I switch from Joon myun to Suho without even knowing when writing. They are the same person just to make sure.


-Jina's POV-

Joon Myun looks our direction and formed an unamused expression. Woohyun clearly looked irritated but tries to conceal it.

Woohyun: It's been awhile chingu. Are you surprised to see me here?

Joon myun glances over to my direction and smiles effortlessly, a fake smile.

Joon myun: How can I forget? It's really has been awhile. How are you?

Woohyun: Oh you know. Just released a new album, tours, promotions, always busy. How about yo- OH WAIT..... I forgot that you haven't debuted yet. My bad.

Joon Myun shows no signs of irritation. I'm Surprised, that guy is really good at hiding his emotions.

Woohyun: You know, its really funny how when we were kids, you were the one who wanted to be a singer and I wanted to be a soccer player. Now we both are, although I kind if beat you to the finish line.

Woohyun cracks a smirk as he grabs a small muffin nearby. Joon myun is still wearing his smile.

Joon Myun: We're all just following our dreams. Quality matters more over quantity.

"Yes, seven years. That tells us a lot about quality." Woohyun chuckles. I couldn't believe what he just said. He basically insulted him indirectly. It is a relief that Joon Myun contains his emotions effectively. Back in America, Woohyun would have a black eye by now. Joon Myun simply curled the corners of his lips which angered Woohyun even more while I'm simply enjoying the view I have being in the middle person. Part of me was happy that Woohyun was slamming red and I thank Joon Myun for that.

Woohyun: On the other hand, I realized that I've been ignoring my friend here.

Woohyun's smirk was back and glanced over me.

Woohyun: I'd like you to meet my date, Jina. And no she's not my girlfriend.

Joon Myun smiles at me, like we haven't met before. He offered a hand and I shake it firmly. His hands were soft and pale like a baby's skin.

Woohyun: That reminds me, You're both from the same company right? It's interesting how she even debuted before you when she entered way later than you.

Joon Myun chuckles, "I see you haven't changed much Woohyun."

Wooden smiles, "And I never will."

Wooden glanced at his watch, acting surprised at the time.

Woohyun: I forgot that the members are supposed to leave for Tokyo today. I have to go now or I'll miss the flight. Can you do me a favor?

Joon Myun: What is it?

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