Part 34: A Date At Disneyland

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Previously: The middle-aged woman spoke in korean, "Any chance you're Korean?"

Thank God.

I happlily replied, "Yes I am."

The middle-aged woman gave me a warm smile. The little girl sitting beside me was too focused on her drawing to listen to me. As soon as she heard my voice, "Yang Kim Jina!" Her eyes became wide and she stood, rushed towards me, and gave me a hug with her head reaching up to my belly button.

"Jina Eonni what are you doing here?" She asked in Korean. I was taken by surprise. Never it crossed my mind that I would meet a fan, especially at Denny's. Sitting next to where the little girl sat was a young man, dressed in dark clothing, reading a book. The sight of his back and next gave me a very odd feeling so I walked towards closer to the table to catch a glimpse of his face.

It was Kim Joon Myun.


*Jina's POV*

Sitting across the little girl was a very pale middle aged woman, clueless as ever. In Korean, "Ji-Hyun you know this young lady?"

The little girl looks at her mother with an antagonizing expression. "Of course! She's Yang Kim Jina from Girls' Generation! Korea's number one girl group! You got to keep with today's events eomma." She responds in Korean. Mackenzie and Collin are confused as ever.

Collin leans to me, "Is everything alright?"

I let out a nervous laughter. At that moment I'm glad that Collin or anyone in the restaurant doesn't understand Korean. The woman turns to me smiling and responds in Korean, "I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I just wanted to practice my English."

"Eomma you should've just let Oppa speak instead. His English is certainly better than any of us."

The woman pouts, "What's wrong with practicing? Should I have known this would happen, I would've practiced more."

At the corner of my eyes, I could see that Joon Myun was put up with his family for some reason. He closes his book loudly as he can which sets off jumps around the table, including me. He makes eye contact with Collin and in a very composed manner, "Double Berry wanna pancakes with orange juice for all of us."

Ugh, I hate that cold and arrogant attitude of his.

Collin comprehends and sets off into the kitchen. For the next 45 seconds, I stand there awkwardly trying not to make eye contact with Joon Myun. "Umm. I guess you didn't really need me then. I'll get going now."

"Wait!" The little girl stops, "Perhaps can you stay?"

I turn around, "Stay?"

There was a brief period of silence. Mackenzie has clearly left to serve the other tables and I was left alone with the Kim family. Ji-Hyun gives me pleading eyes, begging me to stay. Joon Myun resumed reading his book while the middle aged man did the same with his newspaper.

The woman clapped her hands in a very joyful manner, "Yes! It must be fate for us to meet like this. Come, join us for breakfast."

I took a couple of steps back, "I really appreciate the effort. But I'm really fine, I already ate this morning."

"Oh... " The woman says disappointedly. "Well, would you mind if you could at least stay? We came here for vacation and we don't know much about the city."

"Yeah eonni you could be our tour guide!" Ji-Hyun bounces.

"That's a great idea!" The woman turns to the ajusshi, "What do you think yeobo?"

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