Part 14: Life in SNSD #1

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*7:00 A.M, at Jina's dorm room, sunday*

I was in the Tokyo dome performing my debut song in front of thousands and thousands of screaming fans.

Me:"Thank you! Thank you for coming to my concert! I can't tell you guys how grateful I am! I love all of my Jinatics!"

Fans were screaming and yelling my name. I never felt so loved in my entire life. It was almost like it was a dream. Oh wait, it was.....

Hye Jin:"Jina! Jina!"

Me:*groans* "Go away." 😴

Hye Jin:"Wake up sleepy head! Someone's here to see you!"

Me:"I don't care who it is! I need my beauty sleep!"

Hye Jin:"I don't know, it's a guy and a woman. I think one of them said his name was Kim Ho-Sook?"

Me:"Kim Ho-Sook?" *gets up and runs to dorm lobby*

There I saw Kim Ho-Sook and a lady drinking coffee at the lobby down stairs. They soon spotted me with PJS and horrible bed head. I should've probably brushed my hair before dashing down to meet the secretary of a big entertainment company. Nice job Jina. *sarcastically*

Me: *gulps* "Annyeonhaseyo."

Kim Ho-Sook:"Annyeonhaseyo."

Lady: "Annyeonhaseyo. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Park Seoyoon. Nice to meet you." *offers handshake*

Me: *accepts* "Nice to meet you too."

Kim Ho-Sook:"I have something to focus with the director. Park Seoyoon-shi has something to discuss with you. I'll leave you two to discuss it. *leaves*

Park Seoyoon:"please have a sit."

Me:"Thank you." *sits*

Park Seoyoon:"Have you packed your stuff yet?"

Me:"umm, excuse me. What?"

I was confused. What did she mean buy "packed your stuff?"

Park Seoyoon:"Sorry. I suppose I went a little too fast there. Let me start from the beginning. I'm Park Seoyoon, Girls' generation's manager."

Me:"I'm sorry, what? Girls' Generation? Like the K-Pop group? GIRLS' GENERATION ?!"

Park Seoyoon:*chuckles* "Yes, that Girls' Generation."

Me:"why? Why is Girls' Generation's manager sitting down with me today?"

Park Seoyoon:" Because now you are a Girls' Generation member silly."

I could not believe what was coming out of her mouth. Me?! A Girls' Generation member?! What?! There I was, sitting there with my mouth opened that a fly could fly in. Literally.

Park Seoyoon:"looks like you are still lost. Let me elaborate. Lee Soo Man, our CEO, has decided to make you the 10th member of SNSD. He has sent me here to have you gather your stuff and move you to the dorms. The car is already out front."

Me:"Wait! I'm still have trouble digesting this! He already made a decision?! Why so quick?"

Park Seojoon:"That's our CEO for you. He's known to be a quick decision maker. Look, we don't have much time talking. Do you want to be an idol or not? Cause we have to go like now."

Me:"right now? But I haven't even brushed my teeth yet."

Park Seojoon:"that can wait later, we don't have much time to lose."

Me:"alright! Alright! Geez!"

She sounded like she was about to bite my head off. Well, I guess business women are busy. I ran up to my room and pack all my stuff I thought I will need in 5 minutes.

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