"why the lamp?"ask Barry

"it will help her so that she can heal herself"Alex said

"I don't understand.."Barry said confuse with Alex word

"She supergirl and her source of strength come from the sun and I want you to get out of this room so that we can do surgery to remove the knife from her" order Alex

and with that Barry left the room while some doctors enter the room but not only the doctor but Winn and Mon El also enter the room, Barry want to say something when he witness Winn enter  but he can't because they all are Kara friend.. Kara team... Supergirl team

Kara is Supergirl

Barry never thought that Kara is supergirl, he stand beside Kara, beside Supergirl but it never pass his mind that both of them are a same person, but then he also realize that Kara also will know that he is the flash because Barry run to the DEO without his suit which is why Alex recognize him immediately Barry also realize he have to explain everything to them, including the fact that he and Oliver is not from around here, he also have to explain all of the recent killing that happen here

with alot of things that happening inside of his head but there is only one thing that he hope he got the answer, he hope that Kara will be fine, he only hope for the best for Kara right now


Barry is waiting outside of the surgery room, waiting for any news about Kara and suddenly the door is open, the nurse told him to enter the room when he enter he quickly approach Kara, touching her hand

"she's fine you don't have to worry about her she just unconscious" Alex said "so you're the Flash huh barry?"

"yeah" reply Barry still looking at Kara

"How do you become the Flash? I mean when did you become the Flash, do you know who the archer is I mean is he your friend or enemy, why he attack you and Kara that day? and who is the other person that been running with you around National City Barry? why did he know that Kara is Kryptonian? what happen to Kara just now? why did he want to kill Kara?" Ask Alex demanding answer about everything that happen while shedding tears

Barry want to answer every questions that Alex ask to him, he really do but don't know which question he must answer first, he don't know how to explain everything that happen but he need to explain everything to them, maybe they can help him get home and as Barry about to say something an agent enter the room

"Agent Danvers the archer is back" Say the agents

"Barry, Mon-El follow me and Winn you stay here" order Alex and with that they follow the agent where they see that the archer is in the middle of the hall with alot of agent pointing their guns at him

"why are you here?" Ask Alex

"I want to check on Kara danvers" said the archer

"why do you care for her? I mean several days ago you tried to kill her" taunt Alex and with that the archer turn off his voice modulator and also his mask and his hood, revealing his face which shock Alex

"It's because I'm a friend of your sister" Oliver said and with that Alex quickly punch him across the face and quickly drag him to a prison and put him there but before putting him there he make sure that when he is inside he got no weapon with him

right now Oliver is in the same glass prison he was in several days ago with Winn, Alex, Mon-El and Barry talking to him

"its all doesn't make sense why would you try to attack Barry but in the end save him both of you need to explain whatever going on around here!" Say Alex frustrated and Barry feel that he need to tell them everything so he is gonna tell them now

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