9. Omlets

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Josh P.O.V
I woke up to the sunlight streaming through the blinds along with the chirping of birds. I stretched and breathed in the especially sweet air. Finding the tender fragrance odd I opened my eyes and froze when I saw Tyler. I sighed and rubbed my eyes with my hand, removing the sleep as well as remembering last night. I pulled myself up, only to be trapped by the blanket tøp of the fort. I sighed and found my way to the exit of the surpassingly lit fort. The light wasn't to bright on the other side but that didn't change the shock when it touched my eyes.

After my eyes quickly adjusted to the light I wondered into the kitchen. I pulled out the eggs, bread, sour cream, mushrooms, and tomatoes. I smirk to myself, remembering the recipe I saw online and begun to make breakfast. After about 5 minutes into cooking I heard the soft pitter patter of feet on the wood floors and turned around to see Tyler. I smiled at him and he weakly returned it as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He looked at what I was making and his stomach growled. He was the first to break the silence "I'm gonna go wake Brendan."

As soon as he spoke his name I had to keep myself from frowning and stopping him. I sighed and turned back to the meal, all the bad feelings I had become all to familiar with slamming back into me. I felt like hulk just punched me in the chest and I found myself at a loss of breath. After about 30 seconds I recovered and noticed the food was done cooking so I picked it up with the spatula. Tyler walked back to me "Brendan's not staying for breakfast. He actually just left". After placing the onto a white glass plate I divided it into 2 pieces for us.

I mumbled an "Okay" as I passed one of the plates to Tyler. I turned off the stove, picked up my plate, and followed Tyler to the table. I nearly tripped as I realized I didn't feel terrible in this very moment, in fact I felt, happy. I looked down, furring my brows in confusion as to why this had happened. I almost felt guilty for being happy. Tyler turned back to me "You okay, Josh?" I nodded, used to lying and once again feeling guilty. I sighed and continued to walk to the table.

I sat down across from Tyler, feeling the subtitle need to look to his still concerned eyes but I couldn't. I kept my gaze on my cooling food as I picked at it with my silver fork. I felt Tyler's gaze and decided to quickly at a piece. He removed his eyes and directed his gaze to his half empty plate. This lasted for about 10-15 minutes. Him looking at me, myself taking a reluctant bite of food, and repeat.

I stood up, picked up my still full plate, and set it down in the kitchen sink. As soon as I felt something touch my shoulder I jumped up, startled by Tyler's actions. He also set his plate down before hugging me. This also startled me but he didn't seem to care, that or he didn't noticed, because he mumbled into my shoulder. "Josh, you know you can talk tine about anything you want or need to, okay?"  He spoke with a hushed, soft, voice. I nodded and gave a monotonous "Okay" as a response.

     My thirst felt dry, almost as if my body didn't want me to lie all while my mind screened all of the terrible possibilities if I ever slipped up. I continued, for a stale but stable lie. "Trust me Ty, I'm fine" I whispered, one again using the fragile nickname. He returned a disappointed sigh as he pulled his arm away and I silently kissed the warm feeling of his arms as odd as it was. I shrugged the longing feeling off as an excuse for my depressing thoughts. I walked over to my charging phone as Tyler moved to sit with his on the couch.

     The tent was already taken down, I figured by Tyler and Brendan, so I sat against the wall next to my charging phone as well as across from Tyler. After a few silent minutes of trolling around on my phone I noticed a banner that hung to the bottom of my screen that flashed an assortment of vibrant colors. Said colorful banner read "New parade in the Ohio area." I clicked on it in pure interest I clicked to see exactly where it was happening and where the parade would run through. Turns out its route would walk not to far from us,
in the city of course.

     I smiled warmly as a thought lingered into my mind "It might be fun if Tyler and I would go." My smile strangely faded as it continued "Of course he might bring along Jenna, after all she is his... Wife." As the thought a ball caught in my throat but I simply ignored its presence. I looked over to Tyler, who had by now kicked up his feet onto the armrest and was humming a familiar tune. The tune of course bring one of our songs that I mentally smiled at.

He hummed the tune that belonged to "Guns for Hands". I smiled warmly and began to tap my foot to the beet of the song after setting my phone down. He noticed and stopped humming for a second but continued with the song as I drummed the beer into my legs. He started laughing and I just smiled, picking my phone back up. He laughing wore off and he sighed "I'm bored, wanna go somewhere?" I looked back up at him with a question filled gaze "Where could we go?" He shrugged "I don't know, but I did know they they just built a roller coaster somewhere over here."
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I have no clue if there even is a roller coaster in Ohio, so just go with it.

Smoke and Sorrow •Joshler•Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang