6. Sleepover

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Tyler's P.O.V
     I nodded along with whatever Brendan was now yelling about. Why did he seem to have an attraction towards Josh. That couldn't possibly be, could it? I looked at how much Brendan was grabbing and reaching for Josh's hand, arm, or thigh. It made me uncomfortable just to see and Josh was visible confused. I guess Brendan just didn't notice what he was doing or the effect it had on Josh. I'll have to watch them later to see if I can confirm my suspicions. I sighed, trying to relax as I fell back onto the car seat.

     We soon pulled up to Target and I quickly got out of the car. Brendan walked closely to Josh as I tried to move away slightly. I could see him give me a disappointed look, likely because we are normally attached at the hip but it was different with Brendan around. I don't know why but I felt a bit jealous, probably because he's hogging my best friend. Before I had the chance to second guess my thought, he grabbed Josh's hand and dragged him away from me. I grumbled quietly as I caught Brendan's subtle glare. What did I do?

Time Skip

As soon as I got into the story, Brendan and Josh ditched me. I let out an exasperated sigh, frustrated even that they left me like that. I quickly walked to the bored games and other games isle to find them. Before I entered I stopped dead in my tracks as I heard whispering. The first voice I heard I recognized as Josh's. "Brendan, why did you leave Tyler? I'll go get him while you pick out a ga-" he was interrupted by Brendan "No! You will not go back there, okay? He said he was going to grab us some pizza earlier, i'm sure that's all he's doing right now."

I had to hold myself back as I heard them arguing, wanting to prove Brendan's lie but I decided against it. I wanted, no, needed to keep track of his lies. With that being so I hurriedly ran over to the conveniently placed Pizza Hut next door. Luckily it was without any incident to slow me down as I quickly ordered the food and paying for it. It took around 106 steps anxious paces back and forth in the restaurant. Yes I counted them. When my order was called I practically sonic sprinted to it and out the door. As soon as I got out I saw Brendan dragging Josh by the waist.

     Josh was looking back at the store as he held the bags. I quickly went up and joined them, carrying the pizza. Josh glanced at Brendan than me, confused. He shook his head and jogged away from Brendan's grip. I smiled "I got cheese pizza, it's always number one!" He smiled "Yeah" before continuing to walk close to me. By now Brendan was walking next to Josh, severely pissed off. I internally chuckles, happy that I wiped the smug look off his face and saw a flash of confusion in his eyes remaining.

Josh hopped in the backseat, next to me while Brendan was the only one upfront. He showed me some of the games he and Brendan had found and bought. These games included: charades, Game of Life, Scrabble, and to my sad dismay, the Ouija board. When he showed me that game, my breath caught in my throat and I froze. Once Josh noticed my anxious look, he wrapped his arms around me to bring me into a hug. I could faintly see Brendan's glance of jealousy through the mirror as I leaned into my best friend.

     Woah, why did those words make me feel like I was lying...? I shrugged it off, mainly because we had already gotten to the house. Brendan opened Josh's door and Josh quickly ran over and opened mine. It was weird observing their behavior and be dragged into it. I sighed and followed Josh to the door. Josh unlocked the door and opened it so I would go in first. Brendan was trailing us as we went into the living room. We all sat at the dinner table as Josh unloaded the bag with all the games inside. He kept the Ouija board in for my sake.

Time Skip to 28 Minutes Later

After I won a few round of Game of Life with a gay couple I sighed. Josh had also decided to go with a male spouse, same thing with Brendan. I spoke "I'm going to play a movie as background noise, someone make popcorn. I'm going to put the other board games away, just not Ouija." They nodded as I picked up the games and walked out to the cabinet where we kept the towels. I swung open the door, trying to figure out a way to put the games in without anything falling over and killing me.

Just as if my mind was read, I was distracted by the sound of someone's death in a horror movie. I ran to the kitchen to investigate the source of the braking glass over the microwave. As soon as I got there I saw a confusing site that brought out jealousy. Brendan has Josh pinned on the ground underneath him. He also had a hand wrapped over Josh's mouth as Josh was crying with his eyes squeezed shut. I had only heard the last bits of whatever Brendan was saying. "or _ tell Tyler", disclosing the garbled words before that was the only thing I could hear him say.

I walked back slightly and made a running sound with my feet to warn them I was there. I ran in, acting like I was out of breath. I panted through my words "J-Josh, are you, okay? You too, Brendan?" I spoke Brendan's name with light anger and he seemed to notice because he was now picking Josh up off the floor. He spoke up "Yeah, Josh tripped and knocked it over." I looked to Josh to see if he would correct him but he didn't. Why didn't Josh tell the truth, and instead keep Brendan's lie?

Smoke and Sorrow •Joshler•Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt