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Josh's P.O.V.( Time Skip)
I followed Tyler as he unlocked his house doors. "Honey I'm home!!" he yelled most likely to Jenna who was in the kitchen eating a piece of buttered bread. She beamed at Tyler "Hey, I was wondering how long until you got here. It's already dark out." She walked up to him and hugged him. Something in my brain wanted me to rip them apart, that wasn't me and that wasn't right so ignored it and surveyed the house again. Debby had also just walked out of the kitchen and was now heading towards me "Hey Josh, what do you want to do?!"

She smiled brightly and enthusiastically but I just sighed "I'm really tired Deb's, I think I'm just going to head to bed. I'll see you people in the morning." Both Debby and Tyler gave me a sympathetic look but I nearly shrugged it off as I head to my room. I looked at my Iphone to see that is was 8:20. I sighed and shuffled my music listen for it to land of "Goner." It was nice to listen to Tyler's voice before going to sleep and I often found myself sleeping easier whenever I do.

Time Skip

I strained my eyes as morning light fluttered through the blinds. I pushed myself up off the bed, my eyes still blurry. I rubbed my eyes to clear them as I headed to the bathroom. I sighed as I saw how bad I looked. I walked back to the suitcase that held my things from the RV. I dragged it until the bathroom, replacing my toothbrush, toothpaste, and blade. I closed it and turned on the hot water so I could shower. I undressed, grabbed the brush, and jumped into the steaming hot water.

Time Skip

I threw on my clean cloths, kicking the dirty ones to the side as I brushed my hair. It was still frizzy and unkept but that didn't both me, as always. I opened the door and walked in my not wet cloths to the living room. I landed on the couch, waiting for the others to wake up. I soon heard the pitter patter of feet on the wood floors. I turned my head to see Tyler, still drowsy. I greeted him with my hoarse morning voice "Hey Ty". He removed his hands from over his eyes, "Oh, hey Josh, are you hungry?"

He looked back "Don't answer that, what do you want for breakfast?" I sighed "Umm, I guess bread?" He nodded "An egg sandwich it is." I rolled my eyes "I said bread." I nodded as he walked to the kitchen "I know, that has bread in it." I sighed, knowing that I wouldn't get out of it and grabbed the remote. "So, what are today's plans?" I questioned as I looked for something to play. He spoke as he cooked "Well, Brendan's coming over and Jenna and Debby are going shopping late at night. I was hoping we would play a game."

     I nodded "Bored games or verbal ones?" He shrugged and I continued "After this, lets go to the store and pick up some games." He nodded and pick up 2 plates. He gave me one with half a sandwich on it and sat down next to me with the other half. We are for a few minutes and watched a few movies. By now it was 6:39. Jenna and Debby came into the living room and sat between us. They were telling Tyler about some plans before Debby pulled me aside.

     She had a concerned look on her face and she spoke with a hushed voice "Josh, what's wrong? You've been acting strangely ever since you got back. Tyler said you were acting weird before." I rolled my eyes with a sigh "Sorry, I just had some things on my mind. I'd rather not talk about them."  She sighed "You can always talk to me, remember that." Before she could say any more Jenna ran up and grabbed her arm "Come on Debs, we gotta go now or we'll be late." She nodded and allowed Jenna to drag her out of the room.

     Once she closed the door I walked back to Tyler, who was on his phone as a movie played in the background. I sat next to him and he moved his phone to look at the rest of the couch as I put my arms up on the back of the couch. He spoke "All of this room on the couch but Josh is sitting next to me." I chuckled at what he said and saw that he posted the video to vine. He turned off his phone and paused the movie. He spoke "Brendan should be here any moment, than we can go shopping."

     Once we heard a doorbell ring we both ran to the front door. I got there first and opened the door for Brendan. He smiled and walked in "So Tyler told me that us guys are going shopping so we can do stuff while the ladies are out. Also that this must be a sleepover." A blushing Tyler interjected as I stared at them puzzled "N-No I di-" Brendan stopped him before he could finish "Anyways!!!! Lets go!" He grabbed my hand and drug me out of the house, leaving Tyler in the dust.

Brendan practically threw me into the passenger seat after swinging the door open. He opened his car door side and slid it, Tyler barely catching up. They were both exhausted but I had to run to the stage many times, so I wasn't. Brendan started the car and declared where we were going "Lets go to target, they have a board game isle." Me and Tyler nodded and he headed in the direction of the nearest target saying "We should get some card games too along with the bored games, than we can play Truth or Dare." I nearly froze, not again..
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Smoke and Sorrow •Joshler•Where stories live. Discover now