8. Shadows Will Scream

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Tyler P.O.V
I smiled at Josh "That's easy, I'm not doing what Brendan did, so Truth." He continued. "Is there anyone you feel a romantic feeling for besides Jenna?" My eyes glazed over and a shot of panic pricked through my spine. I vigorously shook my head and waved my hands in refusal. I stumbled over my words "N-No! No way..." They seemed suspicious so I yelled out "Next question!" They seemed to comply, still with suspicion, but they didn't push it any further. Brendan turned to me. "So Tyler, truth or dare?" I sighed and rolled my eyes "Truth" and Brendan cracked a crooked smirk.

"What was the last lie you told, and to who?" I gulped, fear encased in my eyes. I desperately glanced around, trying to find a way out of the brutal question. I tightened the grip on my legs, trying to focus. I put a hand to my mouth so Josh couldn't see as I mumbled to Brendan. I mentally cursed myself as I realized I spoke a few words loud enough so Josh could hear. These few words being "...lied....Josh...I...like..." I turned back to see Josh looking down with hazy eyes.

I figured he was trying to figure out what I said and I silently prayed he thought I said "I lied to Josh, I like someone else." The reality if it was I said "I lied, it's Josh I like." After a few seconds he shrugged and looked up, slightly startled as our gaze meet. "S-So, lets go hit the hay. I-I think it's about time anyways." Brendan sighed "Your boring and suck at lying. It's 9:40." I squealed and threw my arms up "PILLOW TENT!!!" Then started yelling "LET'S GO PEOPLE, WE DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME!"

     I heard them giggle but didn't have time to see their joy riddled faces because I was already in my room, tearing the pillows from my bed. When I got back I saw Brendan ripping the pillows from the couch and Josh running back with his pillows. We eventually started swinging pillows at each other. After all of us got knocked on our asses around five times it was 10:39. I sighed, all of us panting "It's about time we start winding down." Josh seemed to agree but Brendan seemed slightly annoyed. None the less he complied and we all climbed into our tent.

After a few hours of watching Netflix and eating cold popcorn we drifted to sleep. Well, everyone but me. I had turned the lights off an hour ago and no was now just sitting in silence. I jumped as I felt Josh's arm move besides me. It shocked me even more when I heard him call my name and his body tensed besides me. My heart sank as I heard Blurryface push his way through and to the front of my mind. "Hey, what do you think he's dreaming about?" He asked. I shrugged and whispered "I don't know..."

I heard him chuckle "Probably about how much he HATES you." I shook my head "No... that's ridiculous. He growled at me "Are you really stupid enough to believe that? I thought you at least had some brain cells." He continued to mock me "Ohh did I hurt your feelings? Is the lone brain cell okay?" I looked down, tears starting to prick at my eyes. "Your so weak, no wonder Josh pity's you." With that, he left me in silence and I found it hard to hide that my pride was no longer inside.

     I felt myself drifting off into sleep, daunted by Blurry's words yet longing to hear something other then silence. I soon was engulfed and consumed by need sleep. Sadly, Blurry's presence still lingered on in the form of a bad dream. I blinked the sleep away from my clouded eyes as bright moonlight blasted through the sky and into my vision. I sat up, taking in my surroundings. I was sitting in the middle of a small forest clearing, only about 5 feet across. I groaned, feeling a sudden stiffness to my neck and back. I must of been here for a while I figured.

     I ignored the shooting pain that ached in my spine as I pushed myself so I was standing. I lifted my gaze up to the starry sky. It was still very dark and the moon was right above me. It must be around 12:00 I thought. I lowered my gaze and spun around to see the hauntingly dark forest around me. It was dimly lit and had a purplish-red glow to it. It was entrancing until I stepped back, to get a better view of the tall trees, and slipped.

     I clenched my eyes shut in fear as I braced myself for a fall that never came.It was like I had slipped through this earth and landed into a new one. When I opened my eyes it was even darker and the bright moon lights no longer shone through with its purple-red haze. Instead of a forest, I was sat in a chair that was in a dark cell room that cast shadows all around. The only light that shone was onto my back, as if it were a spot light. I heard snickering seemingly coming from no where before I heard a sickening voice that churned my stomach.

     Blurryface crouched I front of me with his sickening voice and puke inducing grin. "Good, your awake. Well, asleep but that's besides the matter." He chuckled, stood up and looked threatening over me. "Show time" he clicked his tongue before snapping his finger. The snickering stopped and a wave of pain flared up my spine. The voices began to screech and scream in familiar voices. They all yelled in blood curdling voices as each of the chimed in to make a cacophonous harmony that racked my memory of all the voices of my past. Possibly one of the worst things was even throughout the screams I could understand each of the voices perfectly. They all hollered "YOU'R ALONE!!!"
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Smoke and Sorrow •Joshler•Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum