Chapter One

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I was running for my life, because I knew if I stopped, I wouldn't make it. Today is my 16th birthday. I CANT let it end like this! If I'm late to school one more time mamá will kILL ME!!!
I ran into the front doors of the school. Okay, one minute to get to class
I didnt even bother going to my locker and just ran into class. If I really needed anything I can ask my friend, Hunk, for them..
I made it into class just as the bell rang. Of course I made it. Me, the great-
"Lance Mcclain." I jumped at the teachers sudden closeness of me.
I rolled my eyes as a group of oooh's filled the room.
"Do you think you could come out with me for a minute?" What did I do this time? I know I get into fights but I wont just let people make fun of my friends and family. I walked out in the hallway and shuffled my feet uncomfortably.
"Umm. What did you want to talk to me about?" Ms. Haggar looked at me in a way that made me even more uncomfortable than I already was, if that was possible.
"Can you follow me for a moment?" She asked. I followed her until she stopped in front of a supply closet.
"Umm. Ms. Haggar? Why did we stop here?" I asked, feeling a wave of uneasiness wash over me, my muscles tensing. Suddenly my teacher turned to me and what I saw terrified me. Her hair was white as always but what scared me was the fact that her skin had turned purple with red marks. Also her eyes were so yellow like a cats.
I took a step back, almost screaming but holding it back. She looks like the lady from my nightmares, Haggar. How did I not see it? Haggar, Ms. Haggar. Seriously Lance? Well. Then again its not everyday you see a purple lady. Lady? Witch? I dont even know.. Haggar shoots me with a blast of purple. I fall down, feeling myself slowly lose consciousness, but not before I feel Haggar drag me into the closet. I barely heard Haggar say, "Zarkon, I have the prince." Prince? was the last thing I thought before I was eloped into darkness.


Hey I know this is short so sorry, but I have been holding off starting this and so now I think its time to actually write it. P.s. I want this story to go by slowly but it WILL get there eventually. P.p.s. This is my first story so spare me 😅 but if you wanna leave suggestions, sure.

Wait, What !? (Klance)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن