Chapter 14: Belladonna

Start from the beginning

That’s when Nightshade smirked at Jonah. “What do you think of my lovely partner? She can prove to be very useful.” He nuzzled at her earlobe.

“Is that why and how she tricked me into falling for your trap? She was a tool of yours all along.” Jonah said. He was starting to connect everything. Well he hoped so.

Maevy gave a high pitched giggle. “Me and Nightshade make a great couple don’t you think, handsome? We work together and I’m not his tool; I’m his lover.”

Jonah gagged. They were a lovely couple all right. They were perfect for each other. They are both infused with poison.

“Don’t you see how wonderful she is? She is very good at manipulating the hearts of men and she’s all mine. It’s the perfect way to get people to do what I want.” Nightshade continued.

“Men always do what I want.” Maevy confirmed with her cheeks flushing with pride.

Jonah didn’t doubt it, but he hoped that she would become disappointed one day. He secretly hoped that he would be there to see it. “Like when?” He asked sharply.

“Oh, I had a hand in Aelius’s disappearance of course.” She said with her sickening smile.

“What?” Jonah asked with shock.

Maevy smiled even wider. “Aelius and I used to be together. Oh yes we had quite a history together and Willow didn’t like it one bit. When I got over Aelius- which was only a matter of time, he was quite a drag- I saw how he pinned over that lost cause. It was pathetic but refreshing! I can twist minds if I want to. I can turn elves around. I changed Aelius and I made Willow alienate him.” She laughed for thirty seconds as if she did something miraculously wonderful.

She continued. “I knew that it was only a matter of time before Willow would jump this city to get away from Aelius. When she finally did, I notified Nightshade. He knew by then all about my exploits and accomplishments in the concerns of Aelius and Willow. He kept an eye out on Aelius that day. He told me all about his fight with you. Oh what a scene! I wish that I was there to see it. It would have been delightful to see him attack you because you had something to do with Willow’s disappearance.

“Nightshade authorized me to take care of him until he wakes and give him an incentive to leave. I took the challenge with full enthusiasm. It’s what I do best! And I can say that it worked quite well.” She launched into another laughing fit and stopped when Nightshade’s arm tightened around her and he gave her a kiss on her forehead while she kept her hand on his chest.

“Don’t you see, Jonah? Aelius unknowingly has become a tool to flush Sherwood out of his hidey-hole. He thought that he was going to fight Sherwood to win over Willow. He’s out on an expedition for honor, glory, and love. He believes that Sherwood took Willow as a captive, which is sickeningly low.” He glanced at Jonah who bristled in anger. Nightshade smiled his cruel smile.

He continued. “Really what Aelius is doing is bringing Sherwood and Willow back to me. You see, I’m going to have Sherwood in chains whether you talk or not. So it would be in your best interest to talk before you become a mangled heap of pathetic flesh!”

Maevy giggled again and caressed Nightshade’s cheek. “You’re so clever.” She murmured. Nightshade was too absorbed in his tangent to notice.

“What do you want with Sherwood anyway?” Jonah dared to ask. He had nothing left to lose but his life.

Nightshade’s dark eyes blazed and blazed with a scorch of hatred and scorn. He outstretched his arm in a chocking gesture. Jonah instantly felt his throat constrict as if vines were cutting it off. His old air was trapped like a balloon and he felt like his head was going to explode.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2012 ⏰

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