Chapter 11: A Leap of Faith

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  • 點播給 Michele Gunnell

Authors Note: In this chapter of Fire and Ice, I alluded to a poem by William Butler Yeats titled "The Song of Wandering Aengus." So the story of Aengus was not made up by me. I recommend that all you readers look up the poem. It is beautifully written and has an incredible message.


Day 11

Sherwood was shocked when he saw this noble lord gaping at Willow. He instinctively looked at Willow. Her mouth was slacked open. “What?” She finally managed to ask. Disbelief and incredulity crept into her voice.

            “You look very much like Ivy, but you have Keith’s strong determined jaw bone structure. I was wondering if I would ever see a Ravenmark again.” Tristan looked delighted.

            “You knew my parents, but how?” Willow asked with shock still in every fiber.

            “We are old friends, but it is a long tale and it is late. The sun has already gone to bed, now we must too. Arien, you know where your old room is. The room next door will be the children’s room. Willow and Sherwood come with me.” Tristan said. Arien and her family went off to their rooms, while the ancient energetic man gestured for Willow and Sherwood to follow him.

            He led them to an elegantly polished oak banister. At the head was another carving of a dragon head. The eyes stuck out the most. They had a malicious look to them as if he would sooner blow an interloper to pieces than be touched by one. Those eyes seemed to stick into Sherwood's mind. “Are you admiring my dragons?” Tristan asked when he saw why Sherwood stopped.

            “Ah yes. I noticed that they are all over your property as well.” Sherwood observed.

            “The dragon is a symbol of Ferocity and Valor, Protectiveness and Power. They protect my home. They also symbolize wealth and great power. Dragons also have a commonality with Sun Elves since we are both fire users.” Tristan instructed them, mostly for Willow’s benefit since Sherwood already knew this.

            “The Dragon is very fitting for your status.” Willow said. Sherwood mentally appreciated Willow for her ability to sincerely compliment though he would love it if she complemented him more often.

            “Thank you. You are very much like your mother Ivy in your courtesies,Willow.” He smiled at her warmly. “Now I must show you to your rooms.” He continued up the grand staircase. There were 2 of these staircases on either side. Sherwood was instantly reminded of the Sun Castle's sweeping banisters.

            Tristan continued on his energetic plodding. They went down a long hallway that was dotted with intricately carved doors. Finally at the end of the hall, he opened a door to an enormous room with a luxurious bed. “Willow this will be your room.” Willow instantly leapt onto the bed gracefully, while Sherwood caught himself staring. He shook his head as Tristan closed the door after saying goodnight.

            “Now Sherwood, I have a room fit for a prince just this way.” Tristan said while smiling.

            “Thanks, Lord Tristan, that is unnecessary, but thank you.” Sherwood said while bowing respectfully.

            “Nonsense, it’s an absolute honor to house my Golden Prince at my estate.” Tristan said while bowing in return.

            Sherwood knew that it would be useless to go any further with this. “Show me to my room then.”

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