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  Shortly after she texted Link she received a text from an unknown sender. The text read:

Stop talking to him..

To who? Who are you and how did you get this number?

Oh Zelda you already know who it is and I know you've been texting my boyfriend I saw your number on his phone..

Yeah so?

Quit it..

I'm not doing anything wrong me and him are just partners.. what don't you understand?

Stop making excuses. You're just as pretty as I am and I know you're after my boyfriend Zelda you've been after him since the day he left..

Malon trust me, there's nothing between me and Link.. just please  I promise after this project is done I'll delete his number off of my phone..

You better or else I'll get rid of you..

Okay okay just stop texting me alright?

Deal.. bye now..

After she had finished the conversation with Malon she called Midna..

"Midna, I need your help," Zelda said.

"With what?" Midna asked.                                   

"Malon, she just texted me,"

"So? Why does that bother you?"

"Because I've been texting Link about a Physics project. She got my number off of Link's phone, "

"What do you want me to do?"

"I don't know, do you have some advice up your sleeve??"

"Block her number simple as that Zel,"

"Thank you Mid,"

"You're welcome now get back to doing homework nerd," Midna giggled.

"Will do weirdo.." Zelda laughed "bye Mid I'll talk to you at school tomorrow,"

I wish you were here  (loz modern) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant