Our Last Picture

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Zelda showered and went to sleep early that night in hopes she'd actually sleep, but she couldn't. She had Link in her mind all night, but she managed to get a little bit.

"Huh? Where am I?" Zelda asked.
Zelda observed her surroundings and she looked at herself she was small again. But how?

"Zelda," a voice said.

"Who's there?" Zelda asked.

"It's me Link," the voice said as a boy walked up to her.

"I thought you moved?"

"I did move, but I came back like I said I would,"

"I'm clearly dreaming,"

"You're not dreaming, look at yourself,"

Zelda looked at herself one more time and she was grown up again. She looked at Link and he was grown up too. Is this what he looked like?

Link lifted Zelda's chin and leaned in  until..

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Zelda fell off of her bed and turned off her alarm clock. She did her usual morning routine. She showered, brushed her teeth, did her hair and makeup, and she dressed herself. She had a feeling Midna was going to knock any minute now.

She made sure that the camera they used to take their traditional first day of school picture had batteries. She turned it on and tested the flash. Everything looked good to go.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Zelda said.

"Hey Zel," Midna said.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, I can't believe we're here again about to take our picture one more time,"

"Me either, my mom should be coming to take our picture any minute now,"

"I'm coming girls!" Zelda's mom said "where's the camera?"

"On the table mom," Zelda said.

"I got it, alright ladies smile!"

The camera clicked and took their last picture.

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