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When Zant and Midna went off on vacation Zelda decided that it was time for her driver's test. So her mom dropped her off at the DMV to do her driver's test.

"Good luck Zelda! I'll wait for you here!" Zelda's mom said as she handed Zelda the car keys.

Zelda got into the car and started it as she waited for the instructor to get in.

After thirty minutes, Zelda got out of her driving test and shook the instructor's hand.

"How did it go!"Zelda's mom asked.

"It went great, mom" Zelda said hugging her mom "I'm going to get my picture taken I'll be right back,"

Zelda waited in line for a little bit before she got her picture. After her picture was taken, she pulled out her cell phone and called Midna.

"Hello?" Midna said.

"I got my license!" Zelda said.

"Congratulations! I knew you could do it!"

"Thank you so much Midna! I'll see you in a week, I love you! Bye,"

"Love you too nerd," Midna said before she hung up.

Zelda got out of the DMV and met her mom outside.

"Hey Zelda, wanna go celebrate? I'll take you out to eat," Zelda's mom said.

"Yeah that'd be nice, thanks mom," Zelda replied.

After lunch, Zelda drove home. She went up to her room and called Midna again.

"Hello?" Midna said.

"Hey it's me again," Zelda said.

"I know Zel what did you need?" Midna asked.

"Well I want to ask you something,"


"Since I got my license can I focus on Link now?"

"Well I did say license first, so go ahead,"

"Thanks Mid, "

"Yeah no problem Zel, I gotta go I'm going to dinner with Zant, bye,"

"Okay bye,"

Zelda did a lot for her mom after she got her license that summer she even got a job at a near her house.

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