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Y/N's perspective
There was a sound.
I promise I heard it.

Alert, my eyes trailed around my room. I was in my living room, watching my favorite show "Friends" on my TV. Once the commercials came on, I heard even more various noises coming from upstairs.

Not knowing what it is, I ran up the stairs. I could hear more noises coming from my bedroom than my bathroom, which was odd.

Was it...a burglar?

No, it can't be, because I always locked the doors, and I always closed the windows with the curtains hiding them.

I always like to close myself away from people because being antisocial is more fun. Not.

My eyes kept looking from side to side, but there was nothing at all.

Once I said that, a sudden light appeared from behind me. Turning around, I stared at the blinding light that was blinding me.

Was there even a person? I didn't hear any breathing, so it can't be.

"Who are you?"

The light moved once I spoke. It moved closer and closer to me.

"Who am I, you say?" The light was now blinding me. I couldn't even see what was standing in front of me. It was just a ball of light.

It reached out what looked like a hand onto me, then placed it on my shoulder. The weight of it's hand wasn't that heavy, as if I couldn't even feel it on me.

"I used to be your Guardian angel." I frowned.

"That explains the sudden light, but how was I able to hear you up here? Why can I see you?" Just standing there for a while made my legs hurt. It was at this moment the "guardian angel" grew wings. Dark, black wings.

"Uhm, how do you have black wings if you're a guardian angel?" The angel looked the other way. I could see a glimpse of its face, but the light coming from it caused me to be blinded.

"I'm not a guardian angel anymore. I'm a fallen angel." It moved farther away from me while it turned around and stared at the wall. All I could see was the light and the dark wings.

"But why did you turn into a fallen angel?" It turned around. The angel, who I learned went by the name of Hoseok,  morphed his body into a human, but with black wings.

"You know why I turned into a fallen angel?" His eyes turned red. He got even closer to me, but when I tried to back away, his hold onto me got tighter.

"I turned into a fallen angel because-" He placed his lips onto mine. After a few seconds, Hoseok backed away.

"Because I fell for you."

(A/N: This was a very random imagine, I don't know how I thought of this. I probably got all the facts wrong, but this is just for fun.)

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