They think its funny

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Lucy POV 🔑🌟~

We have our own section of the train to ourselves,we all sit down in our sits, Levy sits next to me and we all get settled down in our seats.

Im looking out the window when I heard

"Hey where did those come from" I heard Eve ask

I turn and see Levy with a stack of books on her lap and Eve pointing at them. She just looks up from them and smiles.

" where" she says to him smiling

"But you don-" Romeo puts a hand on his shoulder and shacks his head, stopping Eve.

"Okkkk" Eve says still looking confused about how she got the books

I turn back towards the window 'her and her books' I shack my head laughing to myself

I look around at our little group, everyone is either drawing or reading one of levy's books. I sigh before grabbing a book 'it's going to be a long ride'

Meanwhile At The Warehouse

Max POV 😌👆~

Me, Bixslow and Elfman were all sitting​ on a couch in one of the upstairs rooms, watching the cell rooms though the monitors on the wall. Each of the guys​ are all in their own cell,chained up with chains to stop thier magic. Some chained to the wall and some to a chair.

When we heard a knock on the door."Let us in" a voice says from the other side of the door

"Who is that?" Bixslow asks looking from wall. We shake our heads not knowing.

"I'll get it" I hop up and walk to the door opening it. There stood Cana and Master

"You guys finally made it" Bixslows says jumping up from the couch,as they walk into the room,they took a look at the monitors on the wall.

"Yea, I had to see the girls before they left and then pick up Cana" Master says looking back at us.He was about to say something else when we heard a crash. Our heads snap to the monitors,but everything is just as it was minutes before. We shack it off and turn back to each other. But master looks at it a bit longer

"Where are the guys at I need to check on their power levels I think something might be wrong" Master says looking at us.

We all share a glance 'what does he mean by that'."Their downstairs in the basement" I say pointing to a door downstairs.

He nods and starts walking toward the basement we all follow behind him.Once we get there I can feel the power coming from the cell doors.

"Holy shit is that them" Cana says referring to the power we all feel. Shes staring at the cells. I look at them,the cells are basically rooms but they don't have any windows or things a normal room would have in it and the doors are locked from the outside. Theres an window in the middle of each door, you can see inside the room. But you can't see outside of it. And there are power bars above each of ​their cells.

Master nods,reading their power bars.

Power increase:8999%

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