Chapter 11

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The ride over consisted of me looking out the window while everyone chatted about whatever it was that they thought was interesting. I felt out of place.

Nobody noticed, or at least I thought. "Are you ok," Lars whispered in my ear, genuinely interested.

"Yeah, I feel just a little out of place, I'll get used to it."

I smiled softly at him, wishing I could thank him for caring about me. Then, it hit me-I couldn't be mean to him anymore. Why would I?

Oh man, I've been a real bitch.

I was starting to hate myself. I didn't have time to, because we arrived at the venue. My stomach felt hollow, even though it was filled with butterflies. I wasn't ready for this. My eyes darted around, taking​ in the whole scene, while my breathing quickened.

I froze at the bottom of the steps. "Hey, you ready?"

I turned to see who asked. I was met by a worried Lars, his seafoam eyes locked on mine.

"No," I softly admitted.

"C'mon, it won't be that bad."

He offered me his arm again, which I quickly accepted. Everyone else filed by. Elle was snuggled up to James, which actually made me happy. It was just us outside, and I was growing more nervous by the second.

As we reached the double doors at the top of the steps, he stopped. "If you feel overwhelmed, just let me know, I'll get you out of here."

"Thank you, Lars," I smiled.

He looked down and gently took my hand. It did surprise me, but it made me feel safe. With a shy grin, he opened the door. I was not expecting what my eyes frantically took in.

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