Chapter 2

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I fumed back to my original spot, only to find Elle patiently waiting for me. "Where were you," she asked, clearly concerned.

"Nowhere", I blandly responded.

"Yeah right, what happened? You seem bummed."

"I found Lars."


"I found Lars," I repeated.

"Lars? Like, Lars Ulrich?"


"WHAT?! You were with Lars Ulrich?! The drummer for Metallica?!"

"Yes, Elle."

"OMG, what'd you do? Did you kiss him? Or did he kiss you? Or was there tongue?! OR WAS THERE MORE?!"

"Whoa, no, no, no. You've got it ALL wrong. He's a dick."

"What? I thought those were just rumors..."

"Nope, they're not. He was missing, and I found him. He wasn't happy about it, and was a jerk. He tried to apologize, but I didn't think he was sorry."


Ugh, it was the jerk crew member again. "Now that you've found each other, please go find your seats. The show's going to start in under ten minutes."

We hustled to the spot we were originally at, before we got lost and ended up in that pickle. "I'm so excited," Elle yipped in my ear.

"Yeah," I forced myself to sound enthusiastic.

"Don't let that dude ruin the whole concert. He's a douche, forget about it."

"It's gonna be hard when he's the fucking drummer."

"Focus on James or something," she laughed.

"Actually, Jason's kinda hot."

"There you go!"

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