Chapter 13 ~ I Don't Know How to Get Back

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I ended up in an alley. I didn't know where and I didn't know how. All I knew was Jace abused me. Also, that I ran as far away as possible. So, I do not know where I am and how I got here and I don't know how to get back to the institue, to my home.

I wandered the lonely streets of a town full of people. It wasn't that it was not busy, it was actually packed with people but ever since the adrenaline left my body I've been sluggish and craving warmth. Most of all, I wanted Logan. logan would make this all feel better. I wouldn't have to worry about the people around us it would only be us because that is all we need.

I walked back to the alley I foundmyself in and sat in the corner. Sleep was over taking my body and this alley seemed abandoned. I sat in the corner next to some trash cans, feeling like I am homeless and closed my eyes. I let sleep eat away until I was no more.

"Clary?" Someone whispered into my ear and shakes me awake. Someone I know. Logan. My eyes open in a matter of nano seconds as I look into his sea green eyes. I instantly wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into me. I never wanted to let go. I felt tears well up in my eyes as he pulls me against him. His arms wrapped tightly against my waist ans he kissed my head.

"We have been looking everywhere for you," Logan whispered into my ear and kept his head in my hair. I could feel him stroking it with his free hand that was not holding tightly against my waist.

"I'm sorry, I just can't go back. Not right now. Jace- Jace he- he abused me," I stuttered beginning to cry again. I could feel the little pricks of pain from the nail marks that bled on my arm.

"He what?" Logan strained his voice.

"He- he grabbed my arm when I was walking out of your room and pulled me into his and said some harsh words and his nails dug into my arm and made me bleed." I whimpered while the tears slid down my cheeks.

Logan releases from the hugs and pulls back a little so he can see my face. He looks me in the eye and puts his thumbs on my cheeks and wipes away my tears.

"We don't have to go back," Logan whispers, "We can get a hotel and stay for the night. If you are comfortable with that." I quickly nod, nothing could be better than spending a night with Logan away from everyone.

"I'm tired." I mummble closing my eyes.

I wake up in bed with Logan's arm wrapped around my body squeezing me to him tightly. His breath is warm against my neck and all the hairs on my body stand. The room that we are in is dark and quiet. It was peaceful. I closed my eyes and was again welcomed by a dreamless sleep.

I felt an arm tighten against my waist as I am pulled closer to Logan. I can feel his damp lips on my head as moves his hands up and down the side of my body comforting me. I make a low moan that I didn't know I was able to make. I hear him chuckle.

I don't open my eyes because I do not want to ruin the moment. I feel his lips press against my neck as he kisses me deeply. A little wetness left when he lifts his head up. He chuckles again as I squirm with the unknown touch. His hands dip further down to my thighs as he massages them up and down.

I turn my body around in a ligthening movement and tug at his shirt and pull him towards me. Our lips connect in a heated flash and all I can think about is us.

I get up about a half an hour later. I let my feet touch the floor. The cold ground making a shiver climb my spine. My eyes were still half closed and sleep stood beside me. I didn't want to get up but I knew I had to get back to the Institute.

"I'm tired, I don't wanna go back," I whine to Logan as he pecks me on the lips.

"That's because you're burning up," Logan whispers in my ear and presses his lips to my forehead, "definitely burning up. The sooner we get back to the institute the better you will feel. C'mon now."

I trudge out the door letting my weight rest against Logan's body.


"Claire!!" Emily shouts at me, "Where have you been?!?"

"In an alley," I state holding firmly onto Logan's arm as sleep tried to take over.

"What's wrong?" Emily asks worriedly.

"She's been really tired, and she has a high fever. She'll be fine but she needs sleep," Logan states leading me up the stairs. My eyes are closed as I let him lead me up the stairs.


"Clary," Logan whispers in my ear waking me from my sleep. I open my eyes and my body is wrapped in his. The blanket and sheets to my bed are all over the place and for some reason we are on the floor. I look up inot his sea green eyes and let out a small cough. I muffled it in my mouth though. 

"What?" I ask, my throat scratchy and my head throbbing. 

"You are burning up. I have to get you some medicine or something." He whispers in my ear sending chills down my spine. I close my eyes and lean into his chest, relaxing myself. I don't like taking medicine or Logan using his warlock powers on me. I never have and never will. I never get sick so I don't usually worry about that stuff. 

"Fine," I pause looking into his eyes once again. I press my lips onto his and I feel alive, I feel fine. I lean into it and he places a hand on my waist, stedying us. I curl my hand into the back of his head. I don't want this to end, I don't want to go back to New York. I don't want to go to the funeral. I don't want to do anything but lay here, with Logan forever.

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