Chapter 2 ~ A Whole Lot More Than Just Friends

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I finished training with Jace, which wasn't much fun because all he would do is stare. That made it way more awkward than I intended. I lay-ed down on my bed letting music pump into my ears. Music was my sanctuary. It made all the 'bad' things go away, it let me imagine a life without pain. I closed my eyes letting sleep overcome me.

I groggily opened my eyes to hear the ringing of my phone. I looked over to my side, Margot's mom. This shouldn't be good. I quickly answered, wanting to know how my best friend was doing. Margot, as you know, is a suicidal. She does drugs and smokes and endlessly tries to kill herself. Emily and I helped enough so she would stop but are afraid she might do it again because we, her only friends, left her in only a few days notice. I was shaking now. 

It happened happened. The sound of her moms voice over the phone explaining the scenario. Her father came home, drunk again, and beat her like always. She was already bloody and half conscious. Margot was enough conscious thought to take an overdose of drugs and then drown herself. Her father is a godforsaken bastard. I hope he winds up in jail for the rest of his life and then goes to hell. Margot. It's all my fault. If I stayed, then I could have helped her. I could have stopped her father, Margot didn't know about shadowhunters, she thought I had a black belt in karate though. Whenever these things happen she would go to her room and call me or Emily. Then I would go over there and knock her dad out. Her dad never knew though, he thought he passed out because of the alcohol. Emil's mom was never there, she divorced her dad and left Emily. Emily never loved her mom after that. Who would though? Her mom left her with an abusive father that would sometimes get frisky with her. If only I was there. If only I could've of stayed and made sure she was okay. If only I didn't leave. Margot and I were a whole lot more than just friends. 

I felt heat tear across the ground, soon that side was gonna come out. The fire was already happening. I was standing up and there was a ring of fire around me. Dammit, not now. Please. The flames stayed in its circle as licked the ground, they were blue. Soon it started to make a star inside the circle. I dug my nails in my palms and felt blood leak out. The heat thrashed out and ashes flew in the air. The smell of fire dispersed around the room. I felt my knees starting buckle and soon I was on my knees, my face buried in my hands. I was sobbing uncontrollably. The red hot flames formed a complete circle around me, now blue and a star. I was in the middle of the star and I felt an evil power surge through my veins. 

Jace's P.O.V. 

I lay-ed on my bed thinking about a certain redhead. Everyone else was out doing whatever they did. Isabelle wasn't even home when they arrived. I smell of smoke burned my nose and I shot to my feet. Wherever smoke is there is a fire. I raced out of my bedroom and tore down the hall. I went to the source of the smell. Clary's room? I leaned up against the door and heard sobbing. Why the hell was there fire? I opened the door and saw a dark blue fire in the shape of a circle and a star inside the circle. I looked at it more intently and saw in the middle was Clary. She sobbed harder and the flames grew, what the fuck? That symbol was to summon demons, I am pretty sure. I stood there a moment to process everything, as Clary sobs turned into bawling and the flames leaped higher. This was my only chance I though, between every few seconds there was a little space. I counted the seconds and flew through the little space. 

I finally made it to the middle of the star and Clary was on her knees bawling. Her red hair had singed edges from the fire. What happened and how did she start this fire? I leaned down to my knees and slowly picked her up. Her breath hitched but as soon as it came it was replaced again by sobbing. I slowly put her in my lap and cradled her, rocking back and forth slowly. 

"Shh, Clary. It's okay. It's all gonna be okay." I whispered softly into her ear. Clary turned around in my lap and pressed her head into my chest. She sobbed and sobbed as I rocked back and forth. The flames started dying as her cries started to cease. I stroked her hair calmly as her sobbing stopped. 

"I'm sorry Jace. I'm so sorry" Clary started crying again as her voice was muffled by my shirt and the start of the flames again. 

"Everythings going to be okay Clary. Shh, calm down baby. Please stop crying." I whispered into her ear. I felt her breathing stop as I said baby. The flames died as she lifted her head from my chest. I looked into her eyes, a hint of grey at the edge of her irises. It dissipated as she looked into my eyes. Tears were silently spilling down her cheeks, Clary, my only love was so upset. I felt a tug at my heart, I couldn't bare to see her like this. "Please tell me what is wrong?" 

"My friend- sh-she did it.." Clary stuttered immediately beginning to cry again. "It's all my fault! If I was there I could have helped...She wouldn't have done it Jace!!" 

"What did she do?" 

"She- she killed herself" Clary started sobbing again and the flames roared and once again were leaping to the ceiling. 

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