Chapter 15: calling the packs

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Unknown p.o.v

"Sir! We have some amazing news!"

A voice calls out to me. I look over to the doors being slammed open. A man runs up to me with eyes bright.


I ask him and he smiles.

"A great illness has hit the Allied packs. Their people are dieing out. Earlier today I heard a man beat a little pup for a gas mask! This is amazing!"

The man shouts and I smile. I begin to laugh, but it's not a normal laugh. No its an evil one.

"What of the alphas?"

I ask the man and his smile drops.

"They are immune and so are the beta's. But their warriors are dieing."

He tells me and I frown. I stand up and walk up to the man.

"You fool! If the warriors are dieing it means we can all die too! None of you are of high ranking blood! You will all perish if we attack. Guards!"

I shout out and a group of 3 guards come running in. They stop in front of me.

"Yes king demitri."

They say and i smile.

"Kill him."

I tell the guards as I point to the man. The man pleads for his life as the guards take him away.

Emmalyn p.o.v

"And how do you suggest we manage to get all of those?"

I ask and both of the men in front of me begin to think.

"What about if we move the alphas ball here. But in reality we only have it so we can get all the alphas, lunas, and beta's in one place."

I tell them and they think on it a little more.

"That's the best plan on the table at the moment. I say let's go for it."

Sage says and we all agree. He leads us to a different part of the basement. This part has wood floors and tan walls. The furniture consists of two chairs and one couch. The brown coffee table in the middle of it all pulls it all together. On the far left wall there is a desk with 3 phones on top of it.

"We can call all of the other packs using these. We need them to come here, but if the pack is under quarantine then we will have to send someone to collect the blood samples."

Sage says as he leads us over to the phones. We each pick one up.

"I'll call warrior and fear packs. Mark you call loyalty and Nobel, and emmalyn you call prison."

Sage says and I dial in the number. The phone rings three times before someone picks up.

"Beta Vincent of the prison pack speaking."

Vincent said and I sighed.

"Hello beta Vincent. It's alpha marks mate speaking. I was wondering if you would be able to come to the Power pack."

I tell him and I hear him put it on speaker.

"Why would I leave all my panicing prisoners to go to the Power pack?"

Alpha Ace asked me and I sighed.

"The alphas ball has been moved to the Power pack and we would like you to attend."

I tell him and he sighs.

"I can't leave with this pandemic going around."

Ace says and I huff in annoyance.

"Fine you want the truth! The truth is we need you, Bronson your son, and Vincent to get your Butts over here so we can work on a cure!"

I shout into the phone and both sage and Mark looks at me weird but shrug it off.

"I see, well is there any other way?"

Ace asks and I growl.

"Ace there is no other way! Now I want you to get your butt over here as soon as possible! Understood?"

I ask him and I hear Vincent gulp.

"Yes. We will be there shortly."

Ace says and he hangs up the phone. I hang the phone up and Mark and sage are already done. They look at me and I look at them.


I ask them and they smile.

"You just told the prison alpha off! That takes guts."

Mark's says as he jumps up and down like a little kid. I giggle and settle him down.

"Would you like a room to stay?"

Sage asks and we nod. Sage leads us to another room. This room as one large bed with grey sheets. The floors are wood and the walls are tan. There is a bathroom and a desk in the cornor.

"Here you are. Good bye."

Sage says and slams the door behind him. I look to mark and he has a light link blush covering his cheeks and ears.

"So I take it we are sharing a bed?"

I ask him and he shrugs.

"If you want to."

He says and I smile.

"I don't mind."

I tell him as I walk over to the bed. The covers are soft to the touch and I smile.

"I'm going to go take a shower."

Mark says and I nod. He leaves the room to go take a shower and I sit on the bed.

I look around the room and think to myself as I hear the shower start. My thoughts wander off to mark.

'Our mate is good looking.'

Freedom says and I smile.

'Yeah I guess he is. But what do we truly know about him?'

I ask her and she sighs.

'Well he's smart, that's a plus. He's a gentleman and kind. He is a little shy and he was nervous about sharing a bed with us at first.'

She says and that makes me smile.

'Why don't we get to know him a little eventually. Maybe after this whole thing blows over.'

I ask her and she agrees. Mark comes out of the shower all dressed in his white cloths again.

"Ready for bed?"

He asks asks and I nod. We both climb in bed together and I lay on my side.

"Can I hold you close to me?"

Mark asks and I turn to face him.


I tell him and I move closer to him. He pulls me flush against his body. He is on his side so my head is on his chest. He rests his right leg over mine and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Good night."

I tell him as I press a soft kiss to his lips.

"Good night."

He tells me as he hugs me closer.

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