"Lia wait!" Derek called after her, Emilia laughed waiting for him to catch up with her.

To Derek it was all in slow motion, from Emilia's laugh to the way her hair flew over her shoulders she turned to face him. Derek stood still as Emilia smiled at him from the bottom of the hallway, and it was that moment Derek realised he didn't want to be anywhere else. He wanted to be with her.

Derek snapped back to reality jogging after his crush, his heart almost beating out of his chest as she took ahold of his hand dragging him up a staircase he had never seen before. Emilia didn't know why she grabbed Derek's hand, he clearly knew how to walk up the stairs by himself, but holding his hand felt natural to her. Once they reached the top of the stair case Emilia let go of his hand, pushing open the door that leads to the roof. The roof of the music room was dimly lit by the street lamp below, the view leading out onto the woods.

"How did i never know that his existed?" Derek asked in surprise, walking further onto the roof.

"I try to keep it a secret the best i can." Emilia mumbled, realising that it was no longer her little secret.

It was hers and Derek's.

"Don't the staff know about this place?"

"Nope. Only the music teacher, she show'd me this place when i was spending a lot of time alone at lunch." Emilia replied, sitting down in the corner of the roof where you had the best view.

"Its so cool up here." Derek sat down next to her, both of them sat like they were in the hallway.

"I've never been up here at night, only in the day." Emilia admitted, looking up to the sky admiringly "I kinda prefer it now, it feels more peaceful."

"So tell me why you aren't inside playing the game?" Emilia turned her attention to Derek, the teen wolf looking down at her.

"I guess i have a lot on my mind, usually basket ball helps me block everything out. But for some reason its different now, its like nothing can take my mind off it." Derek answered truthfully, almost forgetting that he was supposed to be playing basketball instead of being with Emilia.

Dereks mind had been filled up with his werewolf issues, and now his thoughts were always going back to Emilia. He couldn't get her out of his mind, but he was okay with that.

"Maybe you're concentrating about it too much." Emilia suggested.

"What do you mean?"

"Its obviously on your mind for a reason, think about why." Emilia pointed out, "And if you know why, its usually easier to deal with it."

Derek realised that he had already dealt with it, by being with her Derek felt at ease and his thoughts were almost none existent. But of course the dream state can only last for so long, Derek knew that he would get in trouble for sneaking away with Emilia half way through the game.

"My uncles going to kill me." Derek groaned, resting his head against the bricks.

"Ah competitive type?" Emilia asked, laughing at the sudden realisation on Derek's face.

"And the overprotective type." Derek added.

"That i can relate to." Emilia agreed, thinking of her older brother.

"Jason?" Derek questioned, knowing the answer.

"God, he literally won't even let me make new friends without making sure they aren't going to hurt me first." Emilia complained with a slight laugh, Derek nodded smiling as she laughed.

"What would he say about us hanging out?"

"I have a feeling he would accept you." Emilia replied, "After all he's one of your closet friends."

When we were young | Derek Hale Book 1Where stories live. Discover now