Ch. 6: For you

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Play the song go make it more dramatic

Mina POV

I open the door and immediately break down. I want this nightmare to end. My members are asking me what's wrong but I just ignore them.

"Give Mina some space," Jihyo suggested.

I slowly walk to my room and lie down on the bed. I didn't even mind to turn on the light, I'm lying down alone in the darkness. This hurts more.

"I hate myself," I close my eyes as my aching tears are coming down drowning me in the painful memories of us.

I have no choice but to leave him. I don't want his fan to hate him or hurt him because of me. I might as well disappear from the world.

"Mina," Jihyo comes in with Sana.

She doesn't turns the light on too, I know she's with Sana because of her perfume.

"What?" My voice sounds weak.

"You did it because he threatened you, right?" Sana shuts the door.

"How-how do you know?" I sit up with my tears coming down.

"We saw you with a Dispatch reporter... yesterday. Mina I know you like Jimin," Jihyo answered my question.

"What if I told you we came back from the past... that we're living..."

"MINA!" Dahyun slams the door. "Jimin is in the hospital!"

"What!?" I quickly run out of the room.

"Mina clam down!" Momo holds me. "Manager Pinky is coming for you but clam down! You're also sick!" Momo holds me tight.

"I can't lose him again!"

"Mina! Clam down!"

My head starts to spin...everything around is moving fast. I don't feel my legs.

3rd person POV

"Mina! Mina," Momo holds Mina tight. "We need a doctor!"


"Everything is going to be okay, the reason she passed out was due to the lack of sleep and stress. She's sleeping right now—I recommend to take some days off from her schedule," the doctor says before he leaves the room.

"Thank you," Pinky says and goes outside to inform the girls.

"She's going to be okay," he says.

"Thank god," all of them say.

"I'm going to visit Jimin," Sana grabs Jihyo's arm and they both walk down the hallway.

They bow to the members and Jungkook tells them what's wrong with Jimin.

Jimin POV
2:45 Am

I'm watching Mina sleeping. She's really beautiful, I slowly hold her hand. She didn't even tell me she was also suffering. Even if she pushes me away from her I will never leave her sight.

"Jimin?" Her beautiful soft voice makes me get butterflies in my stomach.

"You're in the hospital."

"Are you okay?"

"What about you? Don't worry about me. Get some rest," I kiss her forehead.

"Can you stay with me," she holds my hand tight. "I really love heathy. I really can't live without you."

"I'm not going. I'm going to stay with you."

She shows me her beautiful smile. I'm going to stay with you until the end.

"I love you," I finally get to taste her lips.

Stay with me. Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz