Ch. 2: Stay With Me

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Jimin POV

She opens the door and I stand there looking at the golden pocket watch. I don't know why but I want it.

"Your golden pocket watch," I point to her hand. "Where did you get it?"

She looks a little taken back, "I found it in my room."

"Oh, please excuse me," I bow to her and go look for Seugli and her members.

Mina POV

His eyes looked so familiar to me, the way he was looking at me made my heart skip a beat. I want to run up to him and embrace him. I watch him as he walks away.

"Mina is everything okay?" Dahyun waves her hand in front of my face. I nod and we head back to the waiting room.

"In five minutes," our manager said.

Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my heart, I place my hand on my chest. I squeeze my eyes, my head begin to have a flashback. I'm holding someone hands and the voice is telling me to marry him.

"Mina what's wrong?" Pinky oppa touch my forehead.

"I'm okay," my voice sounds weak. "I just have a headache."

"Take Tylenol before you perform," he open his bags and hands me two pills and a water bottle.


I walk down the streets, I'm glad no one can recognize me. I don't know where my feet are taking me but I stop when I reach the park.

"Why does this place feels so familiar to me?" I begin to talk to myself. "I feel like something important happened here," I cross my arms.

I look around, my heart relax and I smile. I feel like I'm in paradise. I begin to giggle and have a warm feeling about it. I check my phone it's 7:00 pm. I should probably leave before my members thinks something bad happen to me.

Jimin POV

"Why are we here?" My manager ask me.

"I don't know," I look though the window. The park looks so beautiful. I want a little snack but my fans will recognize me, I see a girl walking toward our black van. I can probably ask girl.

I roll down my window, "you! Come over here."

She pointed at herself and I nod. She's wearing a black mask and a hat, plus a huge black hoodie. She looks scary.

"I'm Jimin from BTS can you buy me a snack? There's a store near by here," I take my wallet out.

"Do you really trust a stranger with your money?" She gives me a short laugh. "Ask your manager."

I look at my manager and he shakes his head. He mouths I'm not getting up.

"Don't you know who I am? I'm Jimin from BTS! You should be glad I ask you a favor," I wink at her. I don't know her reaction due to the mask.

"I don't care! If you're hungry then get up," she starts to walk away.

"YAH! I buy you something!" I shout to her and hope no one looked.

Mina POV

Jimin? Form BTS?! I stop walking when he said he will buy me something. I walk back to his van.

"Alright," I say.

"Buy me noodles and with the rest of the money you can do whatever," he hands me the money.

I nod and head to store, I go to the noodles section. I'm going to buy him extra spicy noodles! I go to the cashier. I paid for the noodles and exit the store. He's parked across from the store. He waves at me but I walk to the other direction.

Jimin POV

What?! She's leaving with my snack and my money?! I open the door and chase after her, my manager yells at me to get back here.

"YAH!" I get a good grip of her elbow. She turns around to face me.

"Yah! It hurts!"

"I'm taking you to my van," I begin to drag her while she smacks my hand. "Don't make me carry you."

"Like you can," I can't see her eyes but I know she just roll her eyes at me.

"Bet," I pick her bridal style and head to my van. I open the door and sit her down. I get in and close the door. "Take off your mask! It's not like you're a celebrity or something."


I take her hat off and my eyes widen. Those eyes...her eyes...why is my heart aching. I take her mask off too.

"Mina?!" I gasped. I touch her cheeks and study her.

"What are you doing?" Her eyebrows crosses.

"Let's just stay like this for awhile," I slowly get close to her lips. I close my eyes and go in for a kiss. Everything stop for me. It's just us.

Stay with me. Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя