Chapter 27(Summer) BBQ

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I gracefully glide down the stairs and step outside, Ginny close behind. "Hello boys," I say, leaning on the counter next to the barbecue where Draco is cooking. I boost myself up and sit on the counter, watching as the food sizzles. Ginny makes her way to Harry and takes a seat beside him. "Mmm. Smells good," Ginny inhales the scent of food. "Mhm...what took you so long to buy it Mione?"Harry asks. "I uhm went to this muggle store that is known for barbecue stuff but I got lost and had to dig out my gps. I didn't feel like trying to apparate since I've never been there before. I've only seen ads. But it was totally worth it because the food will be great." "Oh ok. Well at least we have the food now." Harry says as Draco carries the food to the table. We all take some and eat. "This is so good!" I say. Ginny and Harry nod, mouths full. "Wanna go in the pool again?" Draco suggests. "YAS!" Ginny and I shout. "Ginny you wanna um borrow my one piece this time?" "Nope she's fine," Harry buts in. "Sure Mione. If it'll stop his drooling." Ginny motions to her boyfriend. "Let's go change then." Ginny and I run inside, retrieving our bathing suits and splitting ways. I lock the door to my bedroom and change. Ginny enters the bathroom in my room and locks herself in there. The boys are most likely in Draco's room and bathroom. We meet out by the pool and I jump in. Ginny pairs her phone to Draco's Bluetooth speaker and cranks up our favorite muggle songs. She jumps in too and we belt out singing. Draco and Harry follow close behind, jumping in I mean, not singing. The chorus comes around and Ginny and I dance in the water.
So baby pull me closer
In the back seat of your rover
That I know you can't afford
Bite that tattoo on your shoulder
Pull the sheets right off the corner
Of the mattress that you stole
From your roommate back in Boulder
We ain't ever getting older
Draco and Harry whistle as we keep singing and dance next to them.  After that, we play some pool games.  "Category is colors. Everyone think of a color and if I say it swim across really fast before I catch you. Ok purple. Red."  Ginny swims as fast as she can with me chasing behind her.  She touches the wall right before I touch her leg.  "Dang it!"  "Haha!" Ginny says.   "Next colors Blue, Green," I stop as Harry and Draco swim after green and blue.  I swim as fast as I can after them and catch hold of Draco's arm.  "Yes! Now you're it."  Draco laughs, "Ok. Category is animals."  I think in my head and pick a snake.  Draco guesses animals and correctly guesses Ginny and Harry's.  Both of them make it across without getting tagged.  Draco is guessing every animal he thinks I might choose.  "Lion, unicorn, pegasus, hippogriff, what are you Hermione?!"  Once he said that he realizes, I'm a Slytherin's girlfriend, I'm a snake.  "Snake." Draco smirks as he says it.  I swim as fast as I can, Draco is a very fast swimmer but I'm faster.  I make it to the wall and hang on to it for dear life.  I stick out my tongue and so does Draco.  "Snake." He mutters.  "Thank you." I beam.  I can barely keep a straight face in front of him.  Harry can never EVER know.  Like not even if we get married one day.  He can't know what happened today.  Draco continues the game and after a while we switch to Marco-Polo.  I'm it and I say, "Marco."  I hear 2 normal voices and a strange one say, "Polo."  "Draco!" I giggle.  "Hermione......!" He imitates how I call Marco-Polo.  My eyes closed, hands straight in front of me, walk in the water towards Draco's words.  "Marco."  "Polo." He says along with the others.  I pick up the pace and follow my ears until my hands touch Draco's muscular chest.  I open my eyes with a grin, "Got you. Now you're Marco."  "No I'm Draco," he swims to the opposite end of the pool and closes his eyes.  "Draco."  Ginny decides to stay near me and she does a high voice, "Hermione."  "Ginny! I do not sound like that."  Draco takes this opportunity to walk over, eyes shut.  I think he's going to tag me, but instead he tags Ginny, opening his eyes.  "That's for selling out my girlfriend's location."  The sun is setting and all of us are prunes.  "And this is for a good day ending soon." Draco kisses me.  Ginny makes Harry say goodbye and they apparate out abruptly with a wink.  "Wanna go to my flat?" Draco asks, wrapping me in a towel and conjuring up my bags. I nod, smiling and side along apparate to his flat. We order pizza for dinner, grateful that it's just us now. No nosy Ginny or confused Harry.  Draco kisses me passionately and I kiss him back harder.  *Time jump to later cause I refuse to write any more than that*
"Hi." I look at Draco next to me.  "Hi." he says, followed by a yawn.  "Goodnight Draco."  "Night Mione," he shuts the light, fixes my hair and I drift off to sleep, cuddled up to his chest.

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