Chapter 17(6th year) Stop

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I woke up in a dark room. No longer in the Heads' dorm. Where was I? I tried to stand and found a hand on my shoulder. "Ron!" He clapped his hand over my mouth, "Quiet! How could you Hermione? How could you do this to me? Why him, huh? What is wrong with you?" He was raging and bombarding me with questions. "Y-you you caused this. Why are you mad at me? You should hate yourself! You hurt me and look what it did to us. We're over now and I am with Draco, like it or not Ronald. And no matter what anyone thinks I love him and he loves me and you don't get a say in it.
You don't get a say in my LIFE!" I ranted. He rolled his eyes, "Don't be such a drama queen. That was your choice. I did have no say in it and you'll regret it when he throws you onto the side of the road when another pretty girl comes along." I was sobbing now, "You think I can just be alone forever?! He won't throw me aside, I don't regret anything. I will have no reason to as long as we are not killed for following our hearts." I turned my head, and slammed the door behind me. 
Narrator's POV
Ron stood with his red face and hair, mouth gaping at the girl who was once his, stomping out after defending Draco Malfoy, her current boyfriend. 
"Shoulda charmed the door!" she called out behind her.  Ron kicked the floor. "Why did I have to mess this up?!" he shouted. Hermione ran down the hall crying. "Draco! Draco thank god!" she yelled, hurrying into the safety of the Heads' tower. He rushed over to embrace Hermione, "Hermione are you ok? What happened? You weren't in your room." "I know. I don't know how but Ron kidnapped me and yelled at me for being with you. He thinks you're gonna hurt me. He wants me to come back to him, Draco, he's trying to control my life. He can't manipulate me into leaving you, ever. I'll never leave you Draco. I trust you, I don't care about Ron, not after this. I love you Draco and I don't want him to hurt you."  "Shh-he can't keep me away from you. I won't let him hurt us. He just needs some time to process this. Weasley is just jealous that he doesn't have what I have with you." 
----------------------------------------------I kissed him hard, despite my tears and let him hold me up.  I leaned all my weight into him.  "Mione honey, it's Wednesday, we have classes."  I groaned and looked up at him.  I pouted, "But baby why can't I go back to sleep?"  "I never thought I'd see the day that Hermione Granger would rather sleep than be in class. Mione because you love to learn and you want to graduate with all O's. You want a job and a future for yourself don't you?"  I nodded my head, "But I was creepily stolen away from my breakfast and my extra time with you."  "I'll get Mcgonnagal to give us passes and we'll get some breakfast."  "You really think she'll do that for us?"  "Of course! We are her precious servants."  I frowned, "But what about my other problem?"  "You mean the extra time? You know I'll make that up to you bookworm."  I giggled, "I know. Let's go get passes."  We ran up to Mcgonnagal's office and knocked on the door.  It swung open and she sat there with an eyebrow raised.  "What happened now?"  "Oh nothing serious we just didn't get to eat breakfast and our classes start soon, so we thought we should eat before trying to learn. You know it's hard to focus on an empty stomach.....and we didn't want to be late so-um-would you mind writing passes for us?"  I bit my lip, awaiting her answer.  "Yes Miss Granger, you may have my permission to be late."  She scribbled on two pieces of parchment.  "May I ask why you didn't eat?" she inquired.  "Well you see Ronald needed to speak with me and....."  "He somehow got her out of the tower without her knowing and screamed at her."  "Oh my! Why was he angry with her?"  Draco looked at me,his eyes asking if he could reveal our relationship to the professor.  I nodded, "Go ahead Draco."  "Hermione and I," Mcgonnagal was stunned at hearing first names, "we are dating and Weasl-I mean Ron is jealous and thinks she will get hurt. But he hurt her feelings and she chose to move on."  Mcgonnagal jaw was so low I think it broke.  She tried to compose herself, "Understandable on Mr.Weasley's part but I am glad you have such a good influence Mr.Malfoy. It seems Miss Granger has changed you."  He smiled and held my hand, "I guess she has."  The professor dismissed us, a smile creeping across her face.  She mumbled something I couldn't hear well, it sounded like, "Ah young love."  I grinned too now, exiting with my lover, "Young love."

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