Chapter 6(6th year) Wow

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The spoon was in my hand now and I was stirring vigorously. I was avoiding his stare and trying not to think back a minute to what had happened. I can't believe I found comfort from Malfoy touching my hand. Why didn't he just flinch away, maybe then I wouldn't be so confused. This past year was a lot for everyone especially us and it changed people. Malfoy wouldn't change though, he couldn't, right?
"Professor!" Granger's hand shot up, nearly hitting my face, "We finished." She was hyperventilating and waving her hand for him to come over. I sat in my seat, waiting to be scolded for ruining the project. Slughorn approached our table with a leaf and he dropped it into the cauldron. Sure enough, it shriveled up and disappeared, just like it was supposed to. "Well done, Ms.Granger, Mr.Malfoy. That'll earn you an O. Ten points to Griffindor and another ten to Slytherin." He praised. "Thank you, Professor." She said respectfully. "You two may go now." He informed us. "Sweet, I could get used this, an O, house points, and leaving early. So what are you gonna use the extra time for?" I asked. "I'm going to the library to return some things and then I think I'll start my homework by the lake." She answered. We walked down the hall, side by side, heading towards the library. "Mind if I join you?" "Well, it's a free country and I don't think you'll listen to what I want, so just please stay quiet." She replied. We entered the library and she reached for her stack of books to return, placing them on the counter. She scanned the shelves for new books to read, picking them up and placing them in my arms, creating a stack. She piled them up until, I couldn't see in front of me and I was weighed down completely. "Thanks Malfoy, how gentlemanly." She joked, and she took some of the books of the top, so I could see where I was going again. Once we got to the counter, I let the books fall in front of Madam Pince, so she could check them out for Granger.  Granger bit her lip and tapped her foot lightly, waiting to go down to the lake.  When the librarian had finished, she slid the books off the counter and into her grasp.  "Let me just put these down in my dorm first and then we can go." She said, from behind her stack of novels.  I agreed and walked up the stairs towards Griffindor Tower.  She mumbled the password to the Fat Lady and climbed inside, running up to the girls' dormitory.  I stood outside the tower, leaning against the wall and she flung herself around the corner, running down the stairs.  "Come on!" She called, not stopping.  "No running in the halls Granger!" I taunted, following her.  Once we reached the lake, she collapsed onto the grass, spreading herself out under the sun.  She stayed like that for a minute and then turned over on her stomach, reaching into her satchel for her work.  It was only 11:30 and lunch was at 12, so there was time. I watched as she picked up her quill, dipped it in ink and started writing. "So of all the things you could be doing you choose to start your work? Typical Granger." I said, staring at her skeptically. "Yes. I suggest you should too because I can't imagine you remembering to complete all of this later." She stared at me questioningly, with one eyebrow raised. I sighed and took out my parchment. "Just because I listened this time, does not mean you're the boss of me." I smirked. "Stubborn woman." I mumbled, Granger giggling in the background. It was 11:50, when both of us finished our work assigned that morning. "So Malfoy, what now? There are ten minutes before we have to go back to the castle." She inquired, her chocolate eyes turning to meet mine. Both of us were laying on the grass still. She was now on her side facing me and I was on my stomach, head propped up by my hands. "Wanna talk?" I suggested, "Ask each other questions?" "Sure. I'll start. What is your favorite place in Hogwarts?" She asked. "Hmm, the Room of Requirement, I guess. Wait don't tell me, just a wild guess is yours the library?!" I teased. "Very funny. Well, that is on my list but I like it here and the R.O.R. is nice too." She responded. "Really? Ok. Uh, what is the easiest subject for you?" I inquired. "Potions." "Flying." "Color?" "Black." "Purple." "Food?" "Filet mignon and mashed potatoes." "Fancy. Me too." I said, surprised, as I nodded in approval. "God, it's 11:59. Classes are letting out now!" She panicked, grabbing her stuff and pulling me by my wrist into the castle. Once we got to the door she let go, fixed herself, and calmly waltzed into the Great Hall, separate from me. I moaned as I dragged my feet over to the Slytherin table, where Pansy was already stalking me creepily.
I walked over to the Griffindor table and daintily took a seat beside Ginny. "Hello." I greeted them. "Hey Mione." Ginny said. "Hi," replied Harry and Ron picked his head up to wave at me awkwardly. "So what did you do with your free time after Potions?" Harry asked. "Well, I went to the library and then I did my homework so far by the lake." I replied, avoiding the fact that Malfoy had been with me. "Where did Malfoy go?" Harry asked, taking some food. "He did the same." I admitted, "He's probably gonna be busy with Quidditch later, like you and Ron. So I guess he thought my idea was wise." "Oh, ok. Did he bother you? Cause you know I am here if anyone, especially Malfoy ever hurts you." Harry reminded me, clenching his fist and glaring at the Slytherins. "No, Harry. That won't be necessary, he knows what you would do to him." Harry relaxed a bit and continued eating, "Good." Now that Harry was off my back, I could relax and eat my lunch. It was fun with Malfoy, I wouldn't mind another early dismissal for us tomorrow too. When we all finished our lunch, we went to Arithmacy, Transfiguration, Charms, and Muggle Studies. The day was finally over. I completely forgot that Ginny and I were going shopping for our gowns in Hogsmeade. Ginny ran out of her own class down the hall, and smacked into me,"Hermione," she panted, "are you ready to go shopping?!" "Yeah," I giggled," I just need to get my wallet from the tower. What about you? Do you have money?" "Yeah, Harry gave me some, so I can find a dress to match my beauty." She smiled dreamily. I laughed as we raced up to Griffindor Tower. I grabbed my wallet and we informed Professor Mcgonnagal that we were headed to Hogsmeade to shop. Once we were off the grounds, Ginny started talking about how amazing of a boyfriend Harry was. I rolled my eyes, I'm always there for her, but everyone is so happy and in relationships that I feel lonely sometimes. And now it was time to fix that.

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