Chapter 2(6th year) Time to Go

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The weekend flew by fast and soon it was Monday morning. Ginny and I woke up at 6:00 am to straighten our hair and we put on our Griffindor robes. We packed all our stuff into our trunks and went downstairs to eat the breakfast that Mrs.Weasley had left out for us, since we told her we wanted an earlier start than everyone else. It was the start of sixth year and that was a big occasion for me. Ginny was going into fifth year but we would still get to see her at quidditch games and in Griffindor Tower. The week before when our letters arrived we had discovered that Ginny was going to be a prefect and I was Griffindor Head Girl. Harry was awarded Griffindor Head Boy and Luna Ravenclaw Head Girl. All the "Heads" got their own space for meetings, parties, hangouts and stuff. I always wanted to have the honor of being a head and I wanted to look my best. Mrs.Weasley was up now and she sorted through the mail while sitting in her rocking chair. Then, she stood to feed Erl and give him a package to send. "You girls look nice! When are those two gonna wake up!" Mrs.Weasley exclaimed. "Thank you Mrs.Weasley. I don't know if they will ever get up!" I replied. "Those two could sleep until people can live on Mars!" Ginny joked. "We better let them rest until at least an hour before we need to leave." she concluded. "Alright." Ginny said. At 10:00 am, Ginny and I filled up buckets with cold water and crept up the stairs silently. Ron and Harry were still fast asleep, of course and we stepped into Ron's room. "GET UP!" we screamed dumping the water on their heads. They yelped and jumped up out of bed. "Guys, why did you have to wake us up like that!" Harry scolded us. We just giggled running downstairs saying, " You've got an hour before we leave!" They were downstairs in ten minutes and they ate five pancakes each. "Do you ever stop eating?! We are on a schedule today!" I scolded them. Ron shoved another pancake in his mouth and finished packing. Harry finished putting the last few things into his trunk and we left for the train station. Ginny and I decided to take the karaoke machine with us. Once we got to the train station, we loaded up the carts and ran through the border. There he was again with his mother. His Slytherin ring glinted in the sunlight. It was 10:30 am and the train leaves at 11:00 am sharp. * I have a bit of time*I thought. His mother looked like she was going to cry, but she seemed the same as yesterday except weaker. It was like both of their presences were dimmed today and they were trying to maintain power but struggling to. He was so kind to his mother even though he tried not to show it. He looked around and then gave her a hug. She said goodbye to him and he climbed on the train. We said our farewells to Mr and Mrs.Weasley and stepped inside the train ourselves. I walked down the isle and found the large compartment for the prefects and heads. I put my trunk on the overhead rack with the help of Ron. Ginny took a seat next to me, Harry and Ron sat across. (Although Ron was not a Head, he was a prefect.) Beside Ginny, Luna sat and Neville across from her. Then, there right beside Luna was Parkinson and Malfoy opposite her. *He's a head?!*I thought. And of course, there were some Hufflepuffs on the end. Parkinson was obsessively talking to him as always and the train started moving. The trolley came by and Harry bought chocolate frogs for us. Parkinson got Bertie Botts Beans for the two of them to share. Malfoy did not look pleased. I wouldn't be either, watching someone drool over you and trying not to be rude. Once again Harry snapped me right out of my thoughts. "Hey Mione, do you know who this person is?" he inquired, pointing at his chocolate frog card. "Yes Harry, I do. He wrote our potions textbook." "Oh ok." He responded. Ron's face was covered in chocolate and I laughed at his stupidity. Then, I saw it. On a hill, off in the distance, there it was, waiting for us. Hogwarts.

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