Chapter 15(6th year) Heads

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I woke up Monday morning with a head of tangled hair.  I groaned and tugged at the locks, while the flat iron heated up.  I heated each piece with it until it was pin straight.  Then, I lifted my clear mascara to my eyelashes and applied a peach lipgloss.  Done.  I changed into my robes and charged down the stairs to breakfast.  Ginny was copying my movements and she was trailing close behind me.  Once she caught up, she reminded me, "Today we find out who the Heads will be! Are you hoping you and Ferret get picked? You get the extra tower for the Heads all to yourself, common room, dorms, all of it."  My best friend grinned at me.  "That does sound really nice." I said, smiling.  We strolled into the Great Hall for breakfast and ate quickly.  The day had gone fast, the only thing that dragged on was Potions.  Today, we were brewing Amortentia, the strongest love potion in the world.  I blushed when Professor Slughorn informed us that we were to be smelling them.  Once the potion was brewed, Draco asked me if I wanted to go first and I shook my head.  "Ok. I'll go." he said.  He reached his head towards the cauldron and sniffed it.  Our professor walked over and asked, "Mr. Malfoy, what do you smell?"  He looked petrified but he admitted he smelled new parchment, roses and vanilla shampoo.  The scents associated with me. He was truly attracted to me.  I blushed, grinning at him and Slughorn asked me the same question.  I leaned over it and the aroma seemed to contain, spearmint, rain, and hair gel.  Oh my god, I smelled his hair gel, the spearmint and rain from the kiss, all of it.  "Spearmint, rain and hair gel," I blushed more at this.  Once the potions master stepped away, I smiled at Draco, "You smelled me. You're attracted to me."  I giggled more and he replied, "Yeah but you smelled me too. My hair, the rain by the lake...." he fingered my curls, "my breath."  He was an inch away from my face and I could smell the spearmint.  "We're still in class, Draco." I warned.  I was bright red now and he backed away.  "Later," he whispered.  I nodded my head, pressing my lips together, "After the meeting."  Draco walked me out of potions, taking a shortcut, so we wouldn't be seen and we parted ways.  I kissed his cheek and went to do my
homework before dinner.  Soon enough, the Heads' meeting had begun.  We all took our seats and Mcgonnagal started.  "Good evening students," she said, "I have very big news for you. The two individuals that will serve as the Heads are.....Ms.Granger."  I stood beaming.  "And.... Mr.Malfoy."  Draco was stunned, I kicked his leg and motioned for him to stand.  He stood awkwardly and tried to be annoyed.  It was pretty convincing, but I could see right through him, he was thrilled.  We sat and let Mcgonnagal finish her speech.  "From now on, they will be in charge of these meetings."   She turned to us, "You will be living in the Heads' Tower from now on. All of your things have been taken there. If the rest of you would go back to your houses please, I will show you to the tower and provide the password."  The students left, Ginny smiled and waved at me on her way out.  Mcgonnagal walked us up many flights of stairs until we reached a portrait of the four founders of Hogwarts.  "Raindrop." she told the painting and winked at me.  "Easy enough to remember right?" the professor asked, as the painting swung open, revealing the huge rooms.  The common room looked similar to the other houses' except in silver and gold.  There was a couch and some armchairs by the fire, bookshelves on one wall, and two desks on the other. On top of the desks were detention books for when we patrol the halls and some extra quills and ink. There was a spiral staircase leading to a hallway with two rooms. Inside the rooms were a queen-size bed, another desk, a wardrobe, a night table, a mirror, a closet and a bathroom. In one of the rooms, I believe Mcgonnagal has picked it as mine, was a hair straightener, my very own, since I had been using Ginny's. Mcgonnagal smiled at me, "Ms.Granger, you will be staying here." She pointed to the room with the straightener in it. "And Mr.Malfoy, in the other room." She finally left and Draco frowned, "I don't get to stay in your room?" He smirked at me and I slapped his arm. "Draco!" He laughed and started to unpack his stuff into his new dorm. I did the same and then I went down to the bookshelves. I ran my hand along the spines of the books and picked one out. I read until it was late and then passed out on my bed.
Author's Note: Sorry I forgot about my special disclaimer.
Disclaimer: I

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