Chapter 26(Summer) Awkward

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Draco's POV
Wow 😳 that Um where did Weaslette and Potter go? Shoulda thought about them! Shoulda thought about a lot of things Draco! Well mother is out shopping for the day so well too late now. Hermione looks pretty happy though. I look over at her, laying exhausted beside me. Red and scar head were kissing a lot anyway, wouldn't be surprised if they took it upon themselves to apparate to a room in the Leaky Cauldron for a while. Hermione smiles widely at me, hopefully they left.
Hermione's POV
Wow 😳 all the rumors were true. I can see why Pansy was so clingy. But I mean, there's no need to be, he's great just him. But heck am I glad I broke up with Ron. He always tried know.....with me, but I didn't like him enough to just throw my practical life away. I'm still perfectly practical, the same well organized, always planning intelligent girl. Draco turns to me again, "Did Weasley ever...try anything?" "Couple times. I didn't let him. I wanted to wait." He cautiously opens his mouth, "Do you regret just now?" I give him a small smile, "Not one bit." There's a noise as if someone is running upstairs quickly and there's no time to do anything. Ginny bursts through the door, "Hey Mione you in here?" "God Ginny! Leave!" Harry shouts from downstairs, "Did you find them?" I shake my head at Ginny. "N-no I think they went to pick up a few things." she lies. "Sorry," she whispers, closing the door behind her and leaving. "Well no need to tell Ginny." "Yup. We should take a shower and change. My hair will get all tangled if I don't wash the pool water out of it." "Ok beauty queen." I wink, standing and entering the bathroom, "I know I'm beautiful. But it's a process." Draco smirks, puts on his robe and walks to the bathroom in his room. After a long hot shower, I apparate to the store, buy burgers, chicken cabobs, and hot dogs, as if I was picking them out all that time for a barbecue and apparate into the Manor. I find an awkward Ginny and confused Harry sitting at the table, as Draco walks downstairs in a nice suit and joins them, giving me a quick peck on the cheek. Draco is beaming, he pours everyone a glass of lemonade and says, "Oh good babe you got the food." Harry makes another confused face and Ginny plays along, "Are you sure having us stay for a barbecue isn't too much trouble, Mal-Draco?" Ginny mutters under her breath, "I'm sure he'll mind tonight." I kick her foot under the table and she smiles. "Let's start cooking the food." Draco interrupts. "Perfect. While you guys do that, I'm gonna chat with Mione for a while. Let's go upstairs." Ginny smiles more and drags me into my now messy bedroom. She casts silencing charms and locks the door. My best friend slaps me across the face. "Ow." "Mione! What were you thinking? We were downstairs, what if Harry came up?! How was it?" Her anger turns to curiosity and she rests her chin on her fist, continuing, "Are the rumors true? And was he your first? Omg my best friend is finally the same as the rest of the group!" "Ginny! What? You and Harry?" She nods, I reply, "Ron and Lavender?" Ginny nods with a disgusted face. She interrogated further, "So tell me now." "Rumors are so true." "Is he a god?" "Ginny! You're so gross. I'm done with this conversation. All I'm saying is Pansy didn't deserve even one of his kisses." "Oooo! That's good. Ok down you go, try to contain your drool." She unlocks the door and removes the spells, "I won't tell Harry."

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