Chapter 13(6th year) Its Fun to Relax

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I was standing in the bathroom, water running in the background, as I daydreamed about that kiss.  I was still dumbfounded and giggly.  I took off my wet clothes and climbed into the hot shower.  My stomach was grumbling and I longed for dinner.  At the same time, I wanted to stay in the warm water until I was a prune and then plant myself by the fire in the Heads' room.  But I couldn't do that, everyone would worry about me and go insane searching the castle, to make sure I was ok.  I sighed and wrapped the dry towel around me.  I changed into comfy clothes that I could wear to dinner and still lounge in as well.  My head was dripping wet, I shivered, wrapping my sweatshirt around me tighter.  I practically sprinted to get to the enchanted warm lights and food of the Great Hall.  Mm-I could already taste the feast.  I skidded to a halt in the opening of the door, heads turning to look at me.  I smiled and waved awkwardly, students making faces and turning to whisper to their friends.  I approached the Griffindor table and took a seat next to Ginny.  I grinned, "Good evening. Dear Cordelia, did you prepare a plate for me?" I greeted, joking with her.  "Hey Mione," she responded handing me some food.  I laughed and took a bite, "Hi."  "Enjoy your day?" she winked, referring to my time with Draco.  I nodded, mouth full and kicked her under the table.  I dropped my fork and we both reached down to pick it up.  "I'll tell you everything later." I whispered.  She nodded as we emerged from underneath the table.  "How was your day?" I turned to Harry and Ron.  "Good." they both answered plainly.  I looked at them, disappointed, "Not exciting enough for your taste?" I joked.  "Nah, Honeydukes just ran out of chocolate frogs." Ron frowned.  "Oh no. Ron we have to do something, this can't happen, without sugar, we'll all be dead. Ah!" I over-dramactically responded.  He laughed and shook his head.  "Harry, you're very quiet today. How did you spend your day?" I inquired, looking between a grinning Ginny and Harry.  "You know," he answered, looking down at his plate.  "I see."  Him and Ginny were probably going on a date and snogging all day.  It was time to retreat to our Heads' meeting.  Soon Mcgonnagal would be choosing the final, permanent heads.  Most likely tomorrow night.  I was first to arrive, Draco after me.  "Hello," I greeted him.  He looked down the hallway, checking for people before returning my greeting and giving me a brief kiss.  "Wow, you look amazing even in comfy clothes." He complimented, looking me up and down.  "You warm?" he asked.  I shrugged my shoulders, the stone brought a chill to every corner of the castle.  "We need to make a fire in here." I said. "Yes." he agreed, grabbing wood from a bin in the corner. I watched as he placed the wood in the fire and it started to burn when he used incendio. He smiled at me and we both sat in the armchairs near the fire. "This is nice. I can't wait to scold everyone for being late. Dang it, they're on time." I joked. Harry, Ginny and Ron walked in and I tried to look bored. "Ugh, thank god you're finally here." I complained, as if being alone with Draco was the most horrid thing in the world. "I was worried Granger would toss me into the fire." he played along, scowling. Ginny gave me a hug and we did our special French greeting, air kiss both cheeks and hug. Both of us were studying French, so at important events we greeted in our fancy French way. "Bonsoir, Mes amis," I greeted my friends. "Bonsoir, Mademoiselle Granger," Mcgonnagal entered, joining her French students. "Comment çava?" she asked. "Çava trés bien, Madame." I replied. She switched back to English, "Glad to hear it!" The rest of the Heads walked in and she told us to sit. I took my seat on Mcgonnagal's right and crossed my legs, waiting for her to begin. "As all of you are aware I have been observing your work as heads to decide who will be the official Heads of the school. Now at your next meeting I will post the names of those two students after speaking with them alone. Any questions?" She informed. Everyone was silent. "Good then, after any other matters you feel the need to discuss, this meeting will be adjourned." she smiled, before walking out the door. "Anything we need to discuss?" I inquired. "Nope, I think we're done for the day," Luna chimed in. "Alright then, we'll see you all tomorrow." I dismissed everyone, packing up my own things. Harry and Ron left after Ginny, who gave me a grin, a wink, and a wave all at once. Luna and Neville stepped out hand in hand, behind them, followed by the two Hufflepuffs. Parkinson sighed dramatically as she walked past Draco. "Shut up Pansy!" he yelled at her. Once she was gone he said, "I'm fed up with her desperation. I think she finally gets the hint though." "Yeah," I replied, zoned out. Draco stuck out his hand and I took it. He started to lead me towards the R.O.R. and I realized that I should get back to Ginny soon. I could tell that he needed company though so I said, "I'm giving you an hour and then I have to go be with my best friend." I smiled at his frown and then smirk. He raised his eyebrows, "An hour, huh? That sure seems like a lot of time to be in the Room of Requirement with you. I don't know if I can last that long." He began to tease. "What do you mean last that long?" I asked, as the magic doors swung open. "Last that long without kissing you." he answered with another smirk, before pulling me closer to him and kissing me. He pulled away, "See it hasn't even been five minutes yet." he said, as we entered the room. I laughed at him and grinned before embracing him once again. I wrapped my arms around his neck, letting him continue to snog me. After what felt like an eternity of kissing and laughing at his jokes, I finally left to talk to Ginny. I'm sure she would be dying to hear about my dreamy day with my forbidden boyfriend.

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