Chapter 11(6th year) Suspicious

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I was standing in the R.O.R. mid-hug with Hermione Granger.  She had just said she wanted to be with me.  A secret relationship, with her, goody-two-shoes, know-it-all, bookworm, Hermione Granger.  She was also kind, trusting, and beautiful even to me.  I couldn't get over that.  I felt like kissing her, right then and there, but that seemed awkward.  She told me she needed to meet Harry and Ron in Hogsmeade.  I gave her a peck on the cheek and she blushed red as a tomato and left.
Draco Malfoy was hugging me so tightly I didn't think I'd still be alive when he let go.  I was obviously fine.  I don't know why but I had a weird feeling that I wanted to kiss him right at that moment.  I didn't, I remembered Harry and Ron and explained I had to meet them.  He kissed my cheek and chills ran through me, as I turned bright red.  I smiled widely to myself and exited.  I grabbed a bite in the Great Hall and strolled towards Hogsmeade.  Harry, Ron and Ginny sat in the Leaky Cauldron window, eating their lunch.  I walked in to my best friend snogging her boyfriend.  Ron coughed and they took the hint and turned to acknowledge my presence.  "Hey Mione!" Ginny exclaimed, trying to break the awkward silence.  "Hi. And by the way, in the future, could you two refrain from doing that while I'm alive?" Ron asked, disgusted to see his little sister being kissed by his best friend.  I could imagine how that's weird for him.  Harry rolled his eyes at Ron and said hello to me.  I sat down beside Ron and ordered a decaf coffee for myself.  I thanked the waitress as she brought it over to me.  I picked up the mug and took a sip.  "So, anything new with you guys?" I asked.  "Not much, we just wanted to run to Quality Quidditch supplies and pick up new gloves for this season. Although, we saw a girl at the ball, very interesting. We have no idea who she is.  She looked very sophisticated and she came with Ginny. Ginny told me she must have been this 5th year Hufflepuff that had asked about her dress and wanted to match. I think I saw her with Malfoy, so it couldn't have been one of our friends. Hermione did you end up coming? No girls talked to me except Ginny. I thought maybe you skipped it cause you didn't have a date." Harry explained, giving me the perfect chance to cover up my identity.  Ginny looked at me, telling me to lie and go along with the story.  "No, I just decided to stay in the common room to catch up on some reading." I replied casually.  He'll never know.  Maybe I will tell them when I am sure that I really love him.  Like a lot.  Only then can I confess and hope Harry will allow my happiness.  I will just guilt him into letting me date who I want, he won't mind, as long as I'm happy and not hurt.  But I bet both of them will have quite a talk with him first.  They are so overprotective!  I giggled thinking about that I had a secret bad-boy boyfriend that they would kill if they found out.  It felt so good to be going against blood status and houses to date someone so annoying, hot, and romantic all at once.  Why the heck am I thinking that?!  It's true though.  I snapped out of my daze and realized we were leaving to go shopping now.  We left a tip and went into the quidditch shop.  I sat on a bench while I waited and allowed myself to dream again.  I don't understand how someone with such cruel relatives, who has bullied us our whole lives, can make me so captivated. It just all feels so.......I don't know how to describe it. There is a tingle running all through me and butterflies in my stomach, and I am itching to jump up and down screaming like a fan-girl at a One Direction concert, not that I like them. I can't explain it in any other way except that and that it was worth keeping it from my friends, that made it all the more fun.
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