Chapter 3

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Moira's P.O.V

I wake up to a bright light shining through & a cheery old brunette smiling down at me.
"Hey my name's Dr. Derfenstern & I'm here to asess your mental health! Ok?" She says overly cheery not breaking her smile.
"Yea sure ask away" I mumble sadly.
She asks me a series of questions. Things as simple as my name or as weird as who the president is. Some of them were a lot deeper then I expected, like suicidal questions & eating disorder questions. I answer them all honestly. I've never had a reason to lie. When she's done she speaks to the nurse for a good minute then she leaves. Click clacking her heels on the tile as she goes. Then the nurse walks over to me needle in hand. Needles are one of my biggest fears. My eyes go as wide as saucers when i see it. I immediately I begin to tense up.
"No need to freak out, I'm just putting into your IV." He says calmly & reassuringly. I like his voice, he's gay, I see it in the way he walks to the way he talks. It's comforting, I've always been oddly drawn to those who are considered outcasts.
"What's in it" I ask as he's sticking it into my IV.
"Just a light sedative" he says. Then everything fades to black despite my attempts to hold my eyes open.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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