Chapter 1

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Moira's P.O.V
I hear beeping. A rythemed beep. High, low, high, low. That's all I hear. No people, no television, just beeping. High, low, high, low. I open my eyes. I don't know where I am. I'm looking at a ceiling. A plain white ceiling. I start to panic & the beeping intensifies. I focus on the beeping. I start to calm down, the beeping slows down. Heart monitor, I must be in a hospital. The crash. The metal. My family! I begin to scream. White coats run in. White coats with blue clothes. Paper clothes. I stop screaming. Paper clothes filled with pens. They flash lights in my eyes. Bright white lights, coming from a metal stick. They say words, snap fingers next to me ear. They ask of I can hear. I can but I don't want to speak. I don't want to think. I don't want to know anything. I wave my hand for them to go away & roll over. I don't want know the answer to my questions. I look over & see my room has a window, outside snow is falling. October 20th is when we left, what month is it? My thoughts are interupted by a sudden blinding pain in my head, then suddenly I'm not in a hospital room anymore. I'm in a crummy small room with a stove...a kitchen maybe? I hear distant singing where the dining room table is at, distant harmonic delirious singing. All of sudden the pain returns but as an ear splitting shrill, I cover my ears & fall to the ground, then it stopped just as suddenly as it started. I get up. The dining room table is gone. In its place is a woman in an angelic white gown with hair of gold. She walks up to me, putting her hands on face, and speaks
"He needs someone, you are his & he is yours, don't fear what is to come. Follow the pain & it will end"
She explodes into white & the room starts to spin, all of a sudden I'm back in the hospital. There is someone in a chair across the room by the door. She's wearing a white robe with blue paper clothes, she holds. She walks over to me & so I sit up.
"My name is Dr. Lin, when you woke up you started screaming & you acted like you couldn't hear, do you remember that"
"No," I lie, suddenly finding my voice.
"Ok, well other than that you appear ok considering whats happened"
"The crash you mean." I say curiously.
She gives me a weird look.
"What's the last thing you remember?" She asks concerned.
"Riding in the car with my family, why?"
"Interesting. Alright, hun it's December. December 18th." When she starts saying this she watches me & my heart monitor closely. "You were in a car accident, we had to put you in a medically induced coma, we brought you out of it a few weeks ago, you've been inconsolable we've been having to sedate you. We've even had to strap you down on occasion, you don't remember any of that?" She asks concerned.
"No" I say quietly.
"Interesting. Well a psychiatrist will come by in the morning. Have a nice evening" she says quietly patting my knee.
"WaIt! I have questions, please I need answers" I plead. She sighs heavily & pulls up a chair.
"Alright kiddo, ask away"
"My mom, my dad? My siblings.." I say starting questions but not finishing them.
"You're twin brother was the only other person to survive. I'm so sorry for your loss..." she says quietly.
"Then where is he?" I say forcefully, knowing my brother would be here, we're inseparable. It's a twin thing.
"He too suffered mental setbacks, although he was more conscious of his actions. He also had a clean bill of physical health when he suffered these mental health episodes. He's seeking care at a psychiatric care facility."
I take these words in carefully.
"Ok. Thank you for informing me. I'd like to sleep now" I say softly. I lay down & close my eyes waiting for sleep to come.

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