Forever My Hero USUK

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Arthur's POV

My eyes flew open as the sound of glass breaking erupted from the living room. I mentally sighed before throwing off my thin worn covers embracing the cold air. The wood of my floor creaked beneath my sock-covered feet as I trudged over to my closet. Not really caring I pulled on some skinny jeans, a band tee, and a hoodie. I could hear groans coming from the living room: a clear sign that my mother was hungover again. I hesitantly tried the light switch to my room. It didn't turn on.They must've shut off the electricity again I thought to myself quietly. At least the switch didn't electrocute me.

I walked into the bathroom and turned the tap. Thankfully, the well known clear liquid flowed from the tap in uneven streams, but it wasn't totally clear like it should be. I grabbed my toothbrush and began to scrub my teeth, trying to rid myself of the bad taste in your mouth that you get when you just wake up as well as the bad taste of the dirty tap water. After I was satisfied with the state of my naturally straight teeth, I picked up a hairbrush lying on the formerly white counter and ran it through my hair quickly. I never even try anymore with my hair. It's always a mess no matter what I do to it or however many times I brush it. I study myself in the dirty mirror, cracks run along the edge. It's a miracle it's still attached to the wall. I can barely make out my appearance through the dirt and grime covering the mirror and the darkness of the bathroom. I can just barely see my deep green eyes with bags beneath them, my thick dark eyebrows that, no matter how often I pluck, are always so thick; my messy pale gold hair; and my gentle nose that has faint freckles dotted across it. I hear another bottle smash and I sigh out loud before putting some shoes on and venturing out into the dirty living room, if you could even call it that. It's basically a big room with a rough worn couch and small TV on a makeshift desk. I walked out into the room and the smell of alcohol attacked my senses, making my eyes water. Dirt and empty bottles of alcohol cover the cracking wood, and there's the faint scent of drugs in the room that makes me cringe.

I hear another angry groan and watch as an empty bottle flies from the couch towards a picture of my dad and I together that hangs on the wall. It hits the photo spot on and I hear the bitch chuckle giddily making me want to puke. I've tried taking the picture down and hiding it but she always finds it and puts it back in the same place.

My dad left my mum about 3 years ago, when I was 13. The thing is, he left her for a man, but they don't see each other anymore. My dad tried to win custody over me but the jury decided to favor my mom and gave her full custody. Ever since then, my mum has been collecting unemployment checks and my dad's child support and spending most of the money on alcohol and drugs. Sometimes I'll be able to steal some and pay for the heating and electricity but I can't always get to it before she stocks up on booze. I miss my dad. The only thing he can do for me is pay for my current phone and buy me clothes. He'll sometimes send money, but I don't expect too much. I'm just glad he hasn't left me completely. I do love him. After all, us gays have to stick together right? I can understand why he hasn't come by though. My mum will sometimes call the cops on him just for visiting because I'm the only reason that our house even gets remotely clean. And she doesn't want to do it herself. She's such a greedy little bitch that can't take care of herself. I lost the love I had for my mom a long time ago.

"How about you get off your drunk arse for once and go get a job!" I yell at her angrily. She never does shit to me so it's the only thing that makes me feel better. Besides, she's too far gone to even walk properly.

"You ungrateful bitch!" her words slur together as the hangover and recent alcohol take effect together, "at least I'm not a fucking fag." She spits out the last word with such venomous hatred the I want to recoil in disgust. Her blonde hair, the same hair as mine, is matted and dirty, clumping together in ugly knots. Her once sparkling brown eyes are dull, watery and bloodshot from the obvious use of drugs and the huge intake of alcohol she's recently had.

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