"I'll have her back by tonight!" Boggs promised, jumping up and down happily. He ran over and planted a kiss on Finnick's cheek before running out of the room.

Katniss looked at Peeta. His jaw dropped. Katniss waited for him to start screaming again but he didn't.

"That gets rid of him for now, and gets Annie back here," Finnick chuckled.

"That's not right, Finnick. You lied to him." Peeta replied righteously. Katniss and Finnick gave him a Look.

"Do you think seeing Snow naked had any effect on his intelligence?" Finnick whispered to Katniss.

"Says the guy that walks around naked or in negligees?" Katniss snapped back. They glared at each other for a few seconds. She had to admit that she thought Finnick had a point, but then again, who was he to criticize someone, dressing the way he did?

"I look good in my negligee," Finnick haughtily responded finally.

"I pledge allegiance… TO THIS BOTTLE OF DELICIOUS BOOZE!" a voice from the hall bellowed. Then they heard a loud crash and snoring. Peeta, Finnick, and Katniss looked at each other.

"If that isn't Haymitch out there, I'll give President Snow a passionate kiss on the lips when we get to the Capitol," Katniss quipped. They looked out the door. Of course it was Haymitch. Katniss rolled her eyes again and ushered them back into Finnick's apartment.

"Back to why we came here," Katniss continued. "Tonight, after everyone goes to bed, we need to rid this entire place of its last supply of booze. That's the only way we'll get these idiots to finally start accomplishing things."

"I agree." Added Peeta.

"You might be right," Finnick sighed. "Maybe when everyone is finally sober, they'll be able to angry enough to actually come up with a plan, instead of just talking about it. Let me just go change." He got up and walked to his bedroom. Moments later, he reappeared… in a bikini.

"Is this better?" he asked, innocently.

"Hey, we're twins!" announced a voice from the door. They didn't even hear him come in. He was so quiet for a change. It was Haymitch, wearing a bikini.

Katniss looked like she was about to heave. Peeta started screaming again. "Make it stop! Make it stop!"

"They say every girl is crazy about a sharp dressed man," Haymitch flirtatiously suggested to Katniss and winked. It took every ounce of strength she had not to vomit.

"Why are you wearing that?" Katniss finally exclaimed, a mixture of horror and disgust in her voice.

"There's a swimsuit competition in a few hours and I intend to win," Haymitch replied proudly, then turned to Finnick. "You don't stand a chance, Odair!"

"Bring it on!" Finnick demanded and glared at Haymitch.

"Did you know about this?" Katniss asked him.

"No, of course not." Finnick replied. "But who in their right mind would give their vote to Haymitch?"

"Who cares?" Katniss cried. "It's stupid!"

Peeta was sitting on the couch crying and rocking back and forth. "Make it stop! Make it stop!"

"First prize is beer!" Haymitch added proudly. 'I can't lose!"

While Finnick and Haymitch were arguing about the competition, Katniss pulled Peeta aside.

"New plan," she whispered to him, after she calmed him down. "When they have this competition, we sneak off and drain the place of their supply. We'll have to forget about Finnick. Maybe we can ask Gale to help us." Peeta nodded solemnly and followed Katniss out the door. Peeta started to turn back to say goodbye to Finnick and Haymitch but Katniss stopped him.

"Don't turn around. It'll just set you off again."

They went to find Gale.

He was in a bikini as well. "Hey, Katniss. Hey, Peeta. How's it going?" He called to them, as he examined himself in the mirror.

"Never mind, it looks like we're on our own." Katniss muttered and left with Peeta without saying anything to Gale.

Later that evening, Boggs returned with Annie. "We're back!" he announced, happily. "There was another Victor that was captured, and we got her back too!"

"Who?" Katniss wondered. "It was only Johanna, Finnick, Peeta, Beetee and me at the arena."

"Finnick! Annie cried happily, running into his arms.

"Oh, Annie, I've missed you so much!" he exclaimed, kissing her passionately. Boggs looked devastated. "Oh Finnick!" he sobbed. "You lied to me!"

Peeta whispered something to Boggs. His eyes widened and nodded, before leaving the room.

"What did you say to him?" Katniss asked out of curiosity.

"I told him about the swimsuit competition and that he should compete. I told him once Finnick sees him, he'll forget all about Annie and go back to him," Peeta responded, smiling mischievously.

"Why?" Katniss asked. He's worse than I thought, she feared.

"That way he'll be distracted when we go steal the supplies." He winked at her.

They walked back to Katniss's room but when she opened the door she gasped. There was a woman who looked very familiar sitting on her bed.

Katniss walked slowly towards her, trying to remember where she had seen that face before. Before she could say anything, the woman spoke up.

"Hello, Katniss."

Katniss gasped in disbelief. No. It couldn't be, she told herself.

It wasn't a woman's voice that spoke to her. It was Cinna's. Cinna was sitting right in front of her, dressed as a woman.


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