◌ One ◌

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"Oh shoot!" Brendon shouted as he dropped his suitcase handle. "I almost forgot to pack the powdered milk!"

Ryan groaned. "Aw, Brendon, you know I hate the Insta-Milk. It smells weird and sometimes it gets clumpy and that makes it painfu-"

"Okay, okay! That's enough!" Brendon shouted over him, trying to block out the gruesome image. "You know we can't pack three gallons of milk in a suitcase! It wouldn't fit and our luggage would be too heavy."

Ryan frowned, watching Brendon hurry back into the kitchen to retrieve the Insta-Milk. He shuddered, thinking of the few times they've had to resort to it.

"2%? Seriously Brendon? I told you to get skim! 2% is way too... thick. It's too viscous! We've been over this!"

Brendon stuffed the powdered milk container into his overflowing suitcase. He gently put a finger to Ryan's lips to shush him. "Let's not focus on that right now. Let's just be excited about this amazing honeymoon cruise we are going on!"

Ryan smiled, remembering how long they had been waiting for this trip. Most people go on a honeymoon right after their wedding. That's what they had planned to do, only the crappy company that ran the cruise line cancelled the trip twice in the past four months. Sure they were a little late, but the day had finally come. Brendon grabbed his keys and Ryan's hand and the duo headed for their car.

Meanwhile, at Fall Out Boy Mansion

"Okay seriously guys. Where the hell is Andy?"

"Good question. He texted me, 'be there in ten' half a hour ago. I think he's getting another tattoo." Joe said, sighing.

"Another? How? Where on that man's body does he have space for yet another tattoo?"

"Who knows."

Of all four guys, Andy had the most tattoos. Of was quite obvious to anybody who looked at them. Andy had an addiction. For him, there was no such thing as too many tattoos. The owners of the sketchy little tattoo shop he goes to know him by name. Two years ago Patrick and Joe forced him into therapy but he was kicked out after three weeks for "disorderly behavior" and throwing a cup of water at the therapist's face. Patrick and Joe even tried getting him into rehab. That didn't work either.

Suddenly, a loud crash filled the awkward silence. A car horn honked loudly before the car alarm set off, blasting loud and painful shrieks in the air. Pete, Patrick, and Joe ran downstairs to the garage to see what the problem was. They were greeted by the angry noise of the car alarm and the sight of the entire garage door caved in. Andy looked sheepishly over the steering wheel.

"Uh. Hey guys." He said quietly.

All four boys looked at each other in shock.

"Again, Andy? This is the fifth time this has happened! This month! I already told you, you have to open the garage door before you try to come in. You don't need a diploma to figure that one out." Pete said, shaking his head. "Oh whatever, just come inside, we were supposed to have a meeting thirty minutes ago."

After gathering around the coffee table, Pete pulled up a YouTube page on his phone. It was the video for their latest single, Young And Menace.

"Alright, so we all know about this cruise we're leaving for tonight, right?" Pete paused to make sure everyone was following. "The goal is to work on changing ourselves up. It's pretty clear that our oasis of music ideas has run dry and we need some new inspiration. You've seen the public's opinion of Young And Menace. You've seen the dislikes. You've seen the hateful comments."

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