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"And cut!!" Our drama teacher, Ma'am Tabitha said. "Good Work students you may get back to your classes" We all nodded and took our bags.

Well, this is it! LIFE!!!! SCHOOL LIFE! Bullied, Threaten, No friends all lonely, NERD! more SAD~

Well that's not me! My life is PERFECT! even SCHOOL LIFE! It is all good!

I am the school's SWEET QUEEN BEE!


From skating to diving, studying to playing, Fashion sense to make up sense, EVERYTHING! Until I met this WONDERFUL PERSON (mark my sarcasm) called KIM TAEHYUNG.

Oh! I just took his name he is here! ALREADY!!!

"Be ready for the kiss on Monday, Jeon ChaeYong." He smirked and pinned me up to the lockers. Poeple started to surround us. I smirked and took his hand. "Babe! I'm sorry but it can only happen in your dreams~" I said and opened my locker.

Then he closed my locker with a great thud and said huskily "I will make it true Babe." And then he left away with his group. "What!" I shouted at the crowd. "I'll do my best!" I said and exited between them and to the cafeteria. AS IT WAS LUNCH TIME!!

Yeah, So.........KIM TAEHYUNG!!

He is the player of this school. HE is my BIG FELLOW ENEMY!!

I HATE HIM! and that will NEVER EVER CHANGE! and now I HATE HIM MORE because he is playing the main role with me in a play which we are performing soon in school. I HAVE NO IDEA WHEN! But, It's a really romantic play! Getting back to him. I never liked him and his group. Neither did they ever liked me. I GUESS?! NAH!! I am a 101% Sure THEY HATE ME TOO.

His group in total are 7. They are:-

KIM SEOKJIN, he is the soft hand player. MIN YOONGI, the sleep only player. JUNG HOSEOK, the charm player. KIM NAMJOON, the PERVERT!! PARK JIMIN, the innocent looking player and also the player who is full of himself. Then it's him KIM TAEHYUNG! and at last The PERFECT player! THE BUNNY of the group. My cousin brother JEON JUNGKOOK.


"Chae what happened?" Sun-hi, my best friend nudged me. "Oh! Nothing! Sorry I got late!" I said and took my seat. "YAH!!" I shouted as my butt landed on the floor and not the seat. I glared at the back and saw KIM TAEHYUNG smirking evily with JUNGKOOK. I stood up and went to the counter and bought a glass of tea.

"TAE TAE~~ wnat some tea? HERE!" I said and poured the hot steaming tea on his head. "WHAT THE HELL!?" The two of them shouted at me and I continuously smirked at them.

Well the newbies in the cafeteria were gasping whereas the oldies were enjoying it as a reality show!

"OMO! You're all sticky!" I pouted "Here let me clean it!" I said and took my flask in which i had cold water. I opened the lid and poured the whole bottle of water on him. He just looked at me and for Jungkook, he said "What the hell! IDIOT! Stop it he'll catch a cold!"

"Opps! Sorry! I forgot about that!" I turned around and took Sun-hi's bottle. She was having a throat ache so I knew she would be carrying damm hot water. I gently opened it's lid and smirked and poured almost the whole bottle of water on him. And the quater half in which it was left I splashed it on Jungkook's face.

Sun-hi was damm angry at me but she didn't blast off and waited instead. "Oppa! Now he won't catch a cold neither will you!" I said and left the cafeteria with my gang.

*In class*

"ChaeYong, What is the answer to this question?" My maths teacher pointed at the board. I looked at the question and started solving it in my notebook. I finished it in less thatn a minute and said "The answer to this question is x-y+xy" "correct! You may sit!" she smiled and turned towards TEA aka TAE aka my ENEMY!!! "Well young man! Please stand up" She commanded and he stood up immediately still looking at the floor. "Kim Taehyung, How are you all wet!?" She asked him while pointing him from his heels up to his head.

"Ma'am......" he started and looked at me. I gulped hard thinking if he will say my name. Because I seriously can't make a bad impression on my new maths teacher. "Ma' friends poured water on me. It will dry soon." He said and I sighed softly.

"Okay! Please sit!" Ma'am shrugged abd started to teach again. And I continuosly took down the sums and notes. "You better pay me back" Tea smirked and went out of the class as school ended for the day.

And as I was also the class president I would always exit the class late because I would be cleaning some places of the class but today I felt like doing the whole class room so I started off with my work.

"What are you still doing here?" It was the innocent chimp aka PARK JIMIN. "what is it?" I asked him while I was still cleaning the class. "Your brother-" He started but I interrupted him immediately and said "COUSIN! CHIMP! COUSIN!" I sighed angrily. "yeah okay" He entered my class "Your cousin brother is waiting for you outside and is getting more hotter than the sun!"

"I don't care!" I shrugged and turned towards the board. Usually, Rotten aka Jungkook and I always head home back together as he lives right next to my place. And yeah to be honest....

My cousin brother is hot but I got what he mean by! as in the angry way!

"You done yet!" He shouted. Not Jimin. Jungkook. "Almost!" I acted innocent and continued with my work. After some couple of minutes I was done with my work and gestured him that I am now done with my cleaning and now We can leave. *sighs* They walked infront of me and was walking behind them as I was calling the driver.

"What is he still doing here?" I questioned myself as soon as I saw TEA waiting outside the school gate. "Must be thinking Why am I still here?" He turned towards me. "It's not the payback! I am just joining your cousin for today" He said cooly. "The payback needs to be used in some other way~" He smirked and went over to Jungkook.


I facepalmed myself mentaly and we waited for the car to arrive.

ENEMY (TAEHYUNG X READER) {Complete}Where stories live. Discover now