Chapter 1

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**Just a heads up: this was the first story I ever wrote so the first few chapters I'm really not too fond of. I would go back to change them up a bit, but so many people have already read them so I decided not to. The chapters get much much better as the story goes on (promise), so just get through the first few chapters. Surprisingly, some of my readers tell me that my first chapters aren't even bad, so maybe it's just me that thinks they're cheesy and everything. I'm not sure. Anyway, you can see how my writing develops I guess. I hope you choose to give my story a shot because with this book I'm hoping to reach out to a certain part of the 1D fandom that doesn't get as much attention as it should. I hope with this story, people who are going through a hard time or just struggling with life as a whole won't feel so alone. I truly do understand what it's like to be in your place. Feel free to message me if you ever need to talk about anything... even if it's something as simple as your fish dying. It doesn't matter, don't be afraid to message me xx**

Warning: This story will contain mature content, Including sexual and violent. So if you aren't into that kind of stuff, maybe you could skip through those scenes or just not read. Thank you. <3


As I trudge out of my so called home, the cold wind nips my cheeks and nose. But I don't mind really. It's a reminder that I am here, on this planet. Lungs breathing, heart pumping, blood flowing. Though it may not feel like it, I am alive, and I exist. Unfortunately. Just like every other person I see walking along the cracked sidewalks. Just like every other person driving down the street of this small town. The only difference is they have hope. They think they know what is going to happen today. They make plans and expect them to go as planned. Though they might not realize it, that's hope.

Someone out here is probably planning on throwing a party over the weekend, or taking their grandson to his first professional baseball game. When in reality, they have no idea of what's going to happen in the next two days, or even in the next two seconds. That person walking down the street could get mugged, and not be able to afford throwing that big party due to her credit card being stolen. That person driving down the street could get into a car crash, and not be able to take his grandson to that baseball game because he is laying in a hospital bed praying the doctors will be able to save his life. They don't expect any of this to happen. Me on the other hand, I am not oblivious.

Yes, I am walking to the bus, and that bus will supposedly take me to school, where I will then sit through hours of teachers and students talking about shit that I have absolutely no interest in. Then I will drive back to my house on that vary same bus, go to work, walk back to my house, and try to sleep. But to be completely honest, I have no fucking clue if any of this will actually happen. There is a 99.99% chance that it will. But like I said before, I am not oblivious. I acknowledge that other 0.01% chance that today won't be like every other Wednesday, and that something out of the ordinary might happen.

I walk down the road to the bus stop. As I do so I hear my feet mushing in the melting snow. I look down to watch as the grey slush spreads under the weight of my body. Early spring is my least favorite time of the year. The sky is gray and the air is cold. Everything's just so...gloomy. I consider walking really slow so I "accidentally" miss the bus. But I decide against it. I would much rather be at school than at home with my mom and whoever she decides to invite over for her daily afternoon fuck. I sigh deeply, watching my hot puff of breath dissipate into the frigid morning air.

I arrive at the bus stop, and shortly after the yellow vehicle pulls up in front of me and the two seniors at my stop. I jog up the steps, and sit down in the seat numbered 9. The 10 minute drive to school is fairly quite, aside from the kids at the back who are apparently very awake in the morning...


5-40-20... 5-40-20... 5-40-20... Fucking great. My locker is jammed yet again. I sigh, and just as I'm about to give up, someone says,

"You have to push on the door, and then enter the combination." I'm slightly confused by the heavy British accent I hear and turn around.

The first thing I notice are the green luminous orbs staring directly at me. My eyes wander to the boys dark curly hair. The messy look suits him perfectly along with the dimples forming from the smirk on his plump lips. I must look like a complete bum standing next to him in my oversized grey sweater, black leggings, and scratched up combat boots. Not to mention my hair is a complete mess. I didn't even bother to comb it this morning. I just put it in a messy bun figuring nobody would notice me anyways. But I thank god for giving me the decency to put some mascara and eyeliner on. At least I look like I tried a little.

I noticed I hadn't said anything and was practically drooling, as I quickly spoke up. "Um.. Sorry, What?" I stuttered. He chuckled as he repeated himself.

"You locker, I'm assuming it's jammed because you've been standing here cursing to yourself for a while now." I mentally punch myself in the face for acting like a dumb ass. Of course he was talking about the locker. I guess I just wanted an excuse to hear his unique accent again.

"Oh yeah, it does this all the time." I sigh. He grins at me and asks,

"Combination?" I look up at him wearily.

"Why should I trust you?" I ask raising an eyebrow, my tone slightly bitchier than I indented. But he doesn't seem affected.

"Have I given you a reason not to?" He questions. I wait a moment before stepping back and gesturing for him to open the rusty metal door.

"5-40-20..." I tell him. In just a few moments of waiting, my locker swings open, with my journal and a few other sheets of paper falling out. The tall boy bends down to pick them up off the ground. Looking at them and then to my locker he says,

"Well I can see why your locker wouldn't open, you shoved half the library in there." I quickly grab my papers and journal from his hands, not wanting him to go through it. He gives me a questioning look before saying,

"I'm Harry by the way, Harry Styles." He holds out his hand for me to shake. I take it and give a weak shake.

"Brianna." Harry looks at me with the same grin on his face.

"Cool, What's it mean?" What the fuck? Why does he care what it means? It's not like it's an uncommon name.

"Why? Have you not met a Brianna before?" I question, crossing my arms around the books I'm holding.

"Jesus, I'm new here, give me a break. Just trying to get to know people, that's all." He smirks, leaning into the locker. I look at him curiously as I answer.

"Strong... I think. I don't know that's what my grandma told me." I shrug, internally cringing as I close the screeching metal door. That's one of the many sounds I can't stand.

"Interesting. Well I'll see you around Brianna." He winks. And with that he strolls away on his long legs. I couldn't help but stare at his ass just before he turned the corner. Why the hell am I acting this way?

I hear the bell ring and curse to myself when I realize I am the only one standing in the hallway. I rush to class hoping my teacher won't notice when I slip in late.



Thank you so much for reading my first chapter! I really appreciate it. I'm sorry it was short. I just wanted you guys to see briefly how Brianna lives and how her and Harry meet. I promise the next updates will be much better lol. I'm hoping to update soon. And btw I don't want this to be one of those stories where the girl is so innocent and the guy wants her really bad and then they fall in love right away blah blah don't expect that. Anyways I hope you enjoy it (:

Desolation ~ Harry Styles AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ