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He blushes, "Honestly, Tetsurou. What the fuck." He grumbles, scowling at his own reflection — more so on the red trail starting from his cheeks to the tip of his nose.

The effect you had on him was ridiculous really. It's funny how he can act all calm and collected whenever you were around but he acts like a total school-girl with a huge crush when he was alone.

His mental turmoil halted when his eyes landed on a peculiar razor resting idly on the counter sink and again, that wasn't his. His razor was definitely another brand, far too different from the one he just laid eyes on. He doesn't even remember if he bought this on accident.

He huffs.

What in the world is going on? Did these things magically appear out of nowhere?

He almost lets out a startled scream when the bathroom door flew open, creating a loud bang that echoed throughout the expanse of the bathroom.

"Kuroo, get out. I need to take a shit." You say with all seriousness in your voice as you stood by the doorframe with your hair mussed up along with your disheveled clothing.

It sometimes amazes Kuroo how you really didn't give a shit what people think about you, especially during these types of situations where you weren't afraid to say what's on your mind — "OUT!"

Kuroo races out of the bathroom as if it was his life's purpose.


He was pretty sure he didn't accidentally buy two of his favorite cologne. Plus the newer looking one had more content in it in comparison to his, which would probably last him a week if he used it sparingly.

He kept his inquisitive stare at the glass-bottled cologne that stood innocently on the counter sink.

Either this house is completely haunted or there's another man living somewhere in this house.

Kuroo shakes his head.

Okay that was definitely a wild and probably a false accusation but he was very very peeved at the sudden appearance of everything he'd seen so far. What's next? A shaving cream for men that he had never heard of yet?

Kuroo's eyes widened.

And what do you know? There's the said, unheard of shaving cream standing proudly right beside the shampoos and conditioners that was on the shelf, near the shower head.

He didn't really think twice and raced out of the bathroom to inform you of his findings.


Literally, at the sound of Kuroo's alarmed voice, you fell off of your bed in surprise, taking with you the blanket you were just about to wrap yourself around in so you could take your awaited afternoon nap with Shiro, your newly adopted chantilly-tiffany kitten from the cafe.

Speaking of the small feline, he merely sat on top of your pillow to stare at you who had fallen into a heap. As you can see, he is very caring.

"Kuroo..." You scowl, lifting your head up as you blew a few strands of hair from your face, "What the fuck, are you screaming your goddamn lungs out for?" You grind out, taking the elastic from your wrist so you could tie you hair up, your drowsiness disappearing from the rude interruption of your roommate.

"Is this place haunted?" Laughter would've probably spill from your lips at the absurd accusation, but seeing Kuroo's face devoid of emotion — except fear — you thought against it.

SLEEPOVER [Kuroo Tetsurou] [EDITING!]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant