*Life Really Does Flash Before Your Eyes*

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*(Y/n) POV*

I got done getting ready and headed out to work. I was really tired since that dream startled me. Once I got into my car I pulled out. I stopped at a red light and started thinking about that dream again. The car behind me started honking startling me. I was so lost in thought I didn't realize the light had turned green. I started driving but something didn't feel right. I looked at my review mirror to see that same demon. Then a honk and a huge crash came out of nowhere. My vision slowly turned black and I was gone.

*Dream World (Y/N) POV*

"Mommy mommy look what I made!" I was in a house a very very familiar house. "That's a beautiful drawing sweet heart." A family was sitting at a table the little girl looking strangely familiar along with what I assumed to be her father and mother. "Mom I'm home." I hear that same voice just a bit deeper and turn around to see that same little girl but grown up into a teenager. "Mom? Mom!" The girl goes running into the kitchen as I follow slowly behind. The girls mother older then before was collapsed on the ground. This scene. I've been through something similar. I turn to avert my eyes at the scene only to find myself in a hospital room. The father and the girl with both depressing facial expressions. "Dad! Please stop doing this to yourself!" I turn back around back in the same house. The father had become and alcoholic and the poor girl having to see what her father was becoming. "Glad to see that your doing better dad!" This time the girl is graduating and her dad had stopped his bad habits. "Now you can be with mother." I turn around this time the girl is standing in front of 2 graves with a bouquet of flowers. The girl sits there bawling her eyes out. I can't bare to see this any longer know that this girl....is me.

*End Of Dream Still (Y/n) POV*

I woke up but something wasn't right. I wasn't in a hospital room nor was I in the sight of the accident. I sat up and saw I was in a dark room chained to a bed. My work uniform no longer on me but instead a short red dress with black knee high boots. The door to the room opened and the person to come in was none other then that stupid demon. That when it hit me. I....had died. So why am I not in heaven? Why am I not reuniting with my parents? What did I do to end up here of all places? WHY AM I IN HELL?!?!? I sat there frightened and confused. That when he spoke up " You know this sight of you looks so much better then when we first met. Being scared suits you better then being a brace bitch." He grabbed me by my chin and licked my face. I had never felt so disgusted. "I'm sure you have a ton of question but for now rest." He kissed my cheek but before I could say anything a wave of drowsiness came over me and everything started going black. Then I was out.

A/n: Hope y'all weren't expecting that ;)! Sorry if your not really into religion all that much, but you are reading a story about a demon so what did you expect? XD. So what's gonna happen to poor little miss (y/n)? How the HELL are you gonna get out of HELL. (I crack myself up XD) Ok ok I'm sorry but in all seriousness let's see what you have up your sleeve yshall we.

You're Mine Even At Your End (Yandere Demon X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now