3. "We can speak in the morn Jungkook. Rest."

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"Your Highness, there is someone at he door for you." Jimin walks into the kings office, informing the royalty of his new visitor."

The king looks up from his towers of work and sighs.

"Tell then I'll be there in a moment. I'm almost finished with the days workload. They can wait on one of the couches in the foyer."

"Yes Your Highness."

The king sits there with his ink quill in hand writing letters to neighboring kingdoms, sorting out the kingdoms taxes and problems and reading through the prison enlistment, seeing how many publicly executions he needs to attend and how many formal events are coming up that he needs to prepare for.

His mind drifts to he friend, whose probably still training as it was only eighteen hundred hour.. He wonders how one can be so strong. He started thinking of possibilities. The possibility of having a greater kingdom, the possibility of making new laws, and the possibility of war.

Any kingdom could start war at any minute, but the question is if his kingdom is ready for war after years of peace.

The king stands up and dusts off his royal wear, he walks to the door of his office, gliding his hand along his dusty desk. He knows what awaits him in the foyer and he has no desire to go, but he shall as it's the right thing to do.

He steps out of his office and steadily makes his way down to the main foyer, he shoes clicking on the marbled floor

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He steps out of his office and steadily makes his way down to the main foyer, he shoes clicking on the marbled floor.

He turns into the foyer and smiles, fixing the crown on his head.

"Ah! Your Highness! What a pleasure it is to see you again. Thank you son much for the invite. I am ever so excited to meat at dusk with you, My Lord." The Princess runs over to the king, locking their arms together and the king tenses up at the sudden intimacy.

"We shall leave. They is a carriage waiting outside for us a-"

"Carriage? While I though we were going to stay inside your castle, maybe you could give me a tour of the wonderful place?" The Princess smiles up the the king who manages to keep a straight face.

"I'm sorry that that won't be possible this evening, My Lady." He says calmly.

"What a pity. Why not?"

"Due to the recent murder of my parents, and I being an only child and the only ruler, we have scheduled reinforcement around the whole castle, so there is a hearty load of maintenance and now wouldn't be a good time to tour the palace, now shall we?" The king sternly looks at the young lady who just smiles and nods.

They walk out of the castle walls to the carriage. Tae opens the door and allows the young lady to get in first and then he climbs in after her, taking his seat the n staring out the window.

As the ride along the road out of the castle grounds, they go past the training grounds where the king spots the young Jungkook shouting orders at his fellow soldiers as the train. Jungkook turns his head in the direction of the carriage and their eyes lock.

His stern face falls slightly, small disappointment in his eyes and the king just lowers his head down, moving his view of of the young guard.


"Your back your highness! How was you outing with the Princess? Did she get home safe?" Jimin opens the door to the king and takes his coat as he walks to his bedroom.

"The outing was merry. We drank wine and spoke. I learnt a lot from that woman. We dropped her off at her kingdom, so she's home safe. I must rest, I've got a mighty  headache from all the work today."

"Oh yes your highness, we have a fire burning in your room to keep in warn through this cold weather." Jimin bows, running of into the other direction to fetch something.

"Jimin, it's summer." The butler stops in his tracks and smiles foolishly at his king.

"Right, i'll go put it out immediately!" Jimin heads to the kings bedroom but the king holds up his hand, signaling the butler to stop.

"It's fine. My room is the coldest room in this castle. Thank you Jimin."

"Yes Your Highness." Jimin bows and runs off his quarters.

The king sighs as he heads of to his room, rubbing his forehead, trying to rid himself of the stress.

"Tarry, Taehyung~" A voice calls out to the king just before he enters his quarters.

He turns his head to meet us with his friend who stands at the end of the hallway.

"Jungkook. Whatever it is, it must wait. I have a great deal of work to get to and I know both you and I need to rest." The king bows his head down when speaking to the younger boy, avoiding the ye contact.

"I really wanted to speak to you Tae-"

"We can speak in the morn Jungkook. Rest." The king orders.

"Yes Your Highness." Jungkook bows but the young king cringes at his old friend calling him by such royalties.

The king walks into his room, closing the door behind him and as he sighs he leans against the closed door.

He steps away and slowly undresses himself, leaving himself in his garments. He brushes his hands through his hair as he climbs into his cold silk bed, drifting of to sleep for another day.


Ya'll I'm hyped for this story!

Also, guess whose got a 'kinda' boyfriend now? ❤️

(Edit: we broke up 7months later- it was mutual don't worry and we're still good friends)

I'm in Paris now WOO!


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