Chapter 10

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"Thanks for agreeing to be a chaperone for this trip." Eunsook said as she and Jimin sat at a shaded table, watching their boys play in the kiddie area at the community pool. "If you hadn't, we would have been shorthanded."

"It's no problem, I don't get to do stuff like this with Jiho often, so I'm more than happy to be here." Jimin smiled as Jiho and Biwoo got into a splash fight in the kiddie pool. "Jiho really enjoys school. He comes home talking about you and Biwoo all the time, and asking when we can hang out again."

"Well, you are always welcome to come over to my place, if it means Jiho is happy." Eunsook and Jimin shared a smile.


And so it went for the next few weeks. Most weekends were spent at each others' houses so the boys could have playdates while they talked and got to know each other more. Even when Jiho was at Mila's house, Eunsook and Jimin would find ways to hang out together, whether it be she going to the diner, or just having a movie night, along with Yoongi. Things went very smoothly over those few weeks. Then the real drama began.


Jiho was sitting on the couch watching Homeward Bound and eating a poptart when someone knocked on the door. Jimin left the kitchen where he was doing dishes to go answer it, only to reveal Namjoon in a suit. "Namjoon." Jimin leaned against the doorway, still drying his hands of the dishwater. "What brings you here, not in Mila's apartment, wearing a suit? Did Mila send you to pick Jiho up, and think a suit would make me trust you? Well you can remind her that it's my weekend." He moved to close the door when Namjoon spoke up.

"I'm here for my job."

"And what's that?"

"I'm a lawyer." Jimin began to feel suspicious. "Specializing in familial issues, such as custody battles." Jimin felt his heart sink at those words. Namjoon handed him a sheet of paper. "Mila's fighting for full custody of Jiho." Namjoon stepped back from the door. "And just to prepare you, the mother almost always wins." Namjoon walked down the hall, taking Jimin's heart with him.

"Who was it daddy?" Jimin turned to see Jiho standing behind him.

"Nobody, buddy. Let's go finish the movie." He picked Jiho up and held him close, trying not to let his tears fall in front of his son.


"He's right." Eunsook said as they sat on her couch the next day. "Unless there is definitive proof that the mother is abusing or neglecting the child, the mother wins the case. It's just the sad excuse of a world we live in."

Jimin ran his hand through his hair in frustration and stared at the sheet of paper lying on the coffee table in front of him. "Jiho is my entire world. What am I supposed to do without him?"

"You may not have to live without him." Jimin turned his head towards her. "You could be the one to break the cycle. All you need is a really good case, and you can push it back to joint custody for the two of you." She placed her hand on his shoulder. "And I'll help you do it. I'll even testify if I need to."

"Thanks, Eunsook." He smiled at her.

She smiled back and said, "No problem."

Before he knew what he was doing, his lips were on hers. Only two seconds passed before he realized and pulled away. "I'm sorry, I-"

Eunsook shook her head and said, "Don't be." She placed her hands on his face and pulled his lips back on hers. The kiss became more passionate, and Jimin's hands went to her waist as she began to lean back.

She was stopped by a sudden pounding on the door. "OPEN UP, EUNSOOK! I WANT MY SON BACK!"

"Oh, god." Eunsook muttered as she jumped off the couch and made her way to Biwoo's room. "Call the police!" She told Jimin before leaving the room. "Biwoo, get under your bed, now!" Jimin heard as he dialed the number.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"I'm not sure, all I know is someone is beating on the door, trying to get in."

"What's your location, sir?" He told them Eunsook's address and hung up after they said they were sending a unit.

Eunsook came back in the room, looking calm, but still having panic in her eyes. "What's going on? Who's out there?"

"My sister, Biwoo's mother."

A/N: Duh duh duh! Bet you thought Jimin and Mila would be the only drama, didn't you?

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