Chapter 23: Eleventh Month At Gohan's

Start from the beginning

"Heh, just you wait I'll show you who's gonna quit" I smirked back.

"I'm looking forward to it anyway are you ready to spar?"Gohan asked.

"Of course I am"

Funny I feel like I can actually beat him there's a massive strength that I can feel flowing through my body.

"Alright get into your gi and I'll do the same" Gohan said.

And so I did we both went into our separate rooms.

I quickly undressed and was wary of the door since I knew of Gohan's habits of coming in without knocking.

I rapidly put my gi on and went to wait for Gohan outside his room he came out almost straight away.

We both went outside and I came to a field and stopped but Gohan kept walking.

"Huh? Where are we going Gohan won't over here do?" I asked.

"This is our last training session I want it to be somewhere special" Gohan replied.

"Get your jet copter out I'll fly us there" Gohan said.

"You can fly a jetcopter?" I asked.

"No but well how hard can it be?" Gohan said.

"*sigh* You would be surprised" I sighed.

We got into the jet-copter and I got into the seat next to Gohan's pilot seat that way if anything happened I could help.

We took off safely....well to some extent we were wobbling a little when flying....

"Um..well this is harder than I thought it would be haha" Gohan grinned.

"*sigh* What did I say? I swear...." I sighed.

"Could you maybe help me out a little on how to fly this thing?" Gohan asked.

"Yeah I think you may need it" I laughed.


"So well to steer obviously you turn this semi-wheel here" I said as I bent over to grasp the wheel.

"*blush* Umhm" Gohan saidd quickly.

"What are you blushing for? You're ridiculous" I chuckled.

"'s just that you're leaning and're kind of leaning on m...." Gohan stuttered as he turned redder and redder by the second.

I realised and turned red myself as I threw myself back causing me to start falling out.


"VIDEL!" Gohan shouted.

I felt his hand grasp mine suddenly.

"Hey, I gotcha I won't let you fall" Gohan said as he pulled me back up.

"Thanks Gohan you saved me" I said as I got back into my seat.

"No problem" Gohan smiled.

I continued showing him the rest of the controls and he adapted unbelievably quick. Before long we was flying smoothly.

After about two hours of flying we landed over what looked to be like a countryside.

"Here we are just follow me" Gohan said.


We walked through a little grass with nettles and mud and we came to a bit of grass with a stream separating us from it.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"I don't know the name but look at this rock here it's got carvings in it, it spells out H.S Dojo so I guess that's the name I use this place to relax and train quite a lot with the word dojo I guess these people did the same" Gohan answered.

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