(Ignore the glasses)


"Let's go! Jin hyung is waiting." He nods as he gets his car keys. I took my phone and my wallet and went out. I then waited for him at the patio. It's really big. Like totes big. His house is big and everything is big.

"Jungkook let's go!" He drives his sports car out of the basement. Trust me he has a lot and I mean a lot of sport cars.

"Okay!" Then I open the car door and step into his car. He starts his car and there's this device that scans us. Then the big gate opened by itself automatically.

Wow. Technology. Soon we reach the restaurant. It's kinda crowded but we spot Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung at the corner.

 It's kinda crowded but we spot Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung at the corner

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.


(NAMJOON SO DADDY) (He has brown hair btw)

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

(NAMJOON SO DADDY) (He has brown hair btw).

There are some unmated omegas and alphas. The smell of arousal is so strong it makes Jungkook and I uncomfortable. They step in walk towards where Jin and Namjoon is. Some omegas and alphas are staring at me and Jungkook. I hold Jungkook's hands and lead him to the table. A male alpha purposely slap Jungkook's ass as he pass by him since it was crowded making Jungkook flinch. I turn to glare at him as my eyes turn red and i hiss at him making him scared.

"Are you okay?" I ask him while pulling him closer to me.

"Yes. Jimin hyung." He said. We then reach the table and sits down.

"Jungkook-ah.. are you okay?" Jin hyung asks worriedly. Jungkook nods. Namjoon then looks at me and smiles.

"Hello. I'm Namjoon. Jin's alpha. Nice to meet you." He reaches out his hand. I takes his hand and shakes it.

"Hi Namjoon hyung. I'm Jimin." I smile.

"How can I help you?" Suddenly a waitress came in. I can see how she unbutton some of her buttons so her cleavage can be seen. Her smell of arousal is so strong. It's sickening me. I can see Namjoon hyung being uncomfortable too. But he's getting used to it. I guess a long mated Alpha stays strong and loyal. She then started acting weirdly.

"YAH FUCK OFF MY ALPHA YOU BEECH!" Jungkook yelled while glaring at her. He sling his arm onto my shoulder and pulls me closer. His eyes turning red as his fangs starts to pop out. He hiss at her.

"Awww my baby is so cute." I turn to look at him and pats his head. Jin hyung glares at her as his eyes turn red too.

"I would like to order a pepperoni pizza fit for two people, lasagna, Caesar salad, spaghetti. Thank you very much." I smile as I tell her the order she looks scared. She nods her head quickly and ran away. Serves her right.

"Thank you Kookie-ah." I give him a peck on the lips. He blushes as he calms down.

"Ewww get a room you two." Jin teases them making him glaring at Jin hyung. I laugh. Then our food was served. Well a waiter is serving us this time. After serving us the food, he winks at Jungkook making him blush. When Jungkook, is not watching I point my middle finger to him. And mouthed a 'Fuck off' making him scoffs. Namjoon chuckles and gave me a thumbs up. Same goes to Jin.

"Hey what did I miss?" Kookie asks.

"Nothing. Let's start eating." And son after that we start to dig in our food.

And that night's dinner contains of laughter and happiness.

"Thank you Jin hyung! For treating us."

"No prob."

Jungkook then whispers something to Jin hyung making him blush and hits him. I wonder what he said. I then bro fist Namjoon hyung.

"If you need anything of being an Alpha. Be free to call me."

"I will hyung. Thank you."

"Your welcome." He smiles again.

Then we parted our ways and by the time we reach home... Jungkook's heat came back.

HELLO EVERYONE IM BACK MUAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH SO how r u guys? Good? I'm okay. Selamat Hari Raya! And I decided to join the Wattys. I hope I win? Idk never join before 😂. Anyway, thank you for supporting this book ❤️ you all. Saranghae ❤️ and and it's gonna be a little boring but trust me the interesting one will be coming out so stay tune

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