Fight 3 Hyūga Hinata vs. Nara Shikamaru

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Shikamaru turned away from the prone figure that was his teammate to look over at the small ninja heiress. His eyes taking in everything that there was about her within moments. He could literally see her shaking as their eyes met. "Man this is going to be troublesome." He said.

"Would Hyūga Hinata and Nara Shikamaru please come down here." Hayate requested as his eyes found the two rookie ninja standing alongside of their teams. The body language of the two ninjas was so different that you could literally see the difference. Hinata was safe hanging back within the safety of her team beside her sensei while Shikamaru was almost negligently leaning against the railing with sharp eyes that missed nothing. To those watching it was obvious wh the likely winner of the upcoming fight was going to be.

"Great, another Leaf on Leaf fight." Kankurō grumbled, as he watched the two ninja begin walking side by side as they moved down the steps and then stopped in front of Hayate. "When are we going to get a chance to knock these Leaf punks around some?" He complained to the others in annoyance, as he glared at the remaining Konha Leaf Ninja that were waiting for a chance to fight as well. I really wanted to teach them a few things." His eyes narrowed in on team 7. "Particularly that group of loud mouthed punks." He added, as he zeroed in on the anxious group of Leaf Gennin.

"Patience Kankurō," Temari snapped at her brother, "you'll get your chance soon enough. There are plenty of Leaf wannabes here for each of us." She assured her brother with a cold smirk. "Just think of this as them thinning the herd for us to slaughter later."

The dark clothed boy still looked irritable, but nodded his head in acceptance of the order.

Hayate nodded to the two Gennin that were now facing him. He looked them over with interest this fight appeared to be rather off set. The Nara boy was tall and looked almost bored with the way things were going, while the Hyūga girl appeared to be nervous and scared. The boy obviously had her psyched out before the battle had even begun. He shook his head at the unevenness of the fight before he began. "Shikamaru Nara Gennin student of Jonnin Saratobi Asuma, the Former Fire Guardian of the Fire Daimyo, and member of Team 10. The rules are simple, you may use any ninjutsu, taijutsu, or genjutsu in your arsenal that you deem necessary to win. Do you have any reason not to fight against Hinata Hyūga?"

"Whatever, let's just get this troublesome mess over with already." Shikamaru said in a bred tone. "I mean my only real objection here is that I have to fight a girl, but there's no rules that make that a valid objection and would be ignored. In fact as I recall there are rules that make allowances for women to fight the guys. Even if it does make little to no sense."

The various girls that were waiting to fight all glared angrily at the lazy boy as he so casually trash talked them as a whole. "Maybe I should show him how weak a girl can be." Anko muttered angrily, as she stared at the boy her hand inching toward her kunai holster. "I'm sure I can make him see the point quickly enough."

"Not now Anko." The Hokage said to her, stopping the Jonnin from doing anything rash. "Sometimes people like Shikamaru merely need to have a harsh dose of reality before they can accept that a kunochi is the equal and sometimes even their superior. He is still young though and has much to learn of the way the world and the people within it work. He may yet surprise us all."

"Very well Lord Hokage." The young woman conceded as her empty hand withdrew from her weapons pouch.

Hayate had ignored the mutterings of the Hokage and the other Proctor as he continued with his introductions. "And do you Hinata Hyūga, Gennin student of Kurenai Yūhi: the Genjutsu Mistress of Konoha, and member of Team 8. The rules are simple, you may use any ninjutsu, taijutsu, pr genjutsu in your arsenal that you deeem necessary to win. Do you have any reason not to fire Shikamaru Nara?"

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