Fight 8 Sai vs. Temmari

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"Oh come on, what about me?" Naruto demanded as he glared at the screen angrily. "All the other teams have gotten the chance to have at least two people fight. With this round all of Sasuke's Team will have gotten a chance."

"That's the problem with it being random buddy, it's never the way you expect it to go." Peter returned to his friend. "We'll just have to wait and see how the last member of Team Emo does against the Sand Princess."

"Sand Princess?" Naruto asked curiously.

"Well she is the daughter of the Kazekage." Peter said carelessly, as he watched Sai walking by them so that he could enter the arena.

"That actually makes sense." Sakura said in agreement with her teammate. Peter quickly shot his webbing out again and a swing was now hanging from the ceiling. Sakura smiled her thanks as she tiredly fell into it.

Temari scoffed as she looked at the pretty by that she was going to be fighting, this was going to even easier than she thought. She leaped off the rails and rode down on her fan using air currents to go down and then leaped from her fan to land in a crouch while her fan landed in her hand.

"Say what you want to about her but she's definitely got style." Peter said as he looked her over with appreciation of her entrance.

Hayate took his place between the two figures. "Temari Gennin student of Jonnin Baki of the Blade of Wind, and member of Team Sand. The rules are simple, you may use any ninjutsu, taijutsu, or genjutsu in your arsenal that you deem necessary to win. Do you have any reason not to fight against Sai?"

"Let's get it on with already." Temari said impatiently.

"Very well." Hayate said as he turned towards the silent pale faced boy that had joined them. "Sai, Gennin student of Aburame Torune, the Killing Touch Ninja and member of Team 1. The rules are simple, you may use any ninjutsu, taijutsu, or genjutsu in your arsenal to defeat your opponent. Do you have any reason not to fight against Temari?"

"Not at all." The boy said simply with a rather bland look on his face.

"Then as the proctor, I declare the 8th match of the Chunnin match to begin." Hayate said before he moved out of the way of the fighters.

Temari smirked as she watched the Leaf Ninja before her. "Tell you what, just because I don't want this fight to be over to quickly how about you go first." She offered him in a condensing manner. "Come on boyshow me what you got." She taunted him.

"If that is what you wish girl, then I shall be glad to comply." Sai returned, leaping back he threw several shuriken toward Temari who merely smirked as she remained standing there. At the last minute she seemed to flicker and none of the blades came close to scratching her. Sai cocked his head to the side as he looked at her. "Interesting," the boy said, "you use wind jutsu then?" He questioned while looking her over.

"Huh, I guess you aren't as dumb as all of the other Leaf Trash here are." Temari said. "I hope you have more than that though since I was hoping to at least work up a sweat in our fight." The Sand Kunochi informed him.

"Very well I shall endeavor to make you sweat. Let's try this then,." Sai said as he drew a large scroll out while he pulled an inkwell and brush disguised as a scroll from his side and made some sort of markings. "Super Beast Imitating Drawing." He said as he flipped the scroll and several Lion like creatures sprang from the page and charged at Temari.

"Cute trick, but still not good enough." Temari said as she opened her fan partially and gave a mighty wave of her weapon The blast of air sent the attacking creatures flying into a wall where they exploded into some sort of black liquid.

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