Chapter 8: jealous over a bunny... | Evan

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Jas had invited everyone out to watch the circus that had stopped in town only for the weekend. Being a social butterfly, Jas had heard rumours that this circus in particular was legendary, and of course, that made her absolutely dying to go.

She'd convinced Penny to tag along in seconds, and since Penny was going, so was Hannah (even though she was more eager to see the performers set themselves on fire than the actual circus). Penny had tried to bribe Brendan into going, but the Beast was adamant in not ruining his reputation by being seen at something as childish as a circus (his words). Penny and Jas had turned to Linny for help, but the grey and purple haired girl agreed with her cousin's opinion.

"How about we do something more satisfying instead?" Brendan suggested, mainly to spite Penny and Jas, who appeared extremely vexed.

Linny quirked an eyebrow. "Like what?"

"Bowling?" the Beast paused before continuing, "Actually, no. Let's crash at Evan's place."

My head jerked upwards, from where I had been sitting at the bench, trying to code a new website I was creating with my laptop. "What?"

"That is a terrible idea -" Penny tried to say, but Brendan ignored her.

"It's up to you, Evan," he laughed without humour, his blue eyes fixed on me. They made my skin crawl, for reasons unknown. "It's just that we've never been there before, and I thought that maybe we could visit?" He flashed me a smile, but I couldn't help but think that it wasn't all that genuine.

Linny looked disgusted. "That was the worst attempt at socialisation I have ever seen."

I stared back down at my laptop screen, my attention too focused on my coding to come to a definitive. "I'll think about it."

Jas threw her hands up into the air in exasperation. "What about the circus?"

"I'll go," Hudson volunteered.

Hannah shot him a dubious look. "You want to watch a circus? If you're trying to learn some tricks from them, it won't work. You don't have the talent."

Hudson glared at her. "And you do?"

"I have a wide range of talents." I had realised pretty early that at times, Penny's twin could be seriously vain. She was actually telling the truth, however; Hannah excelled in anything from sports to music to academics. Of course, her love for sport was what showed the most in her, explaining her tomboy like attitude. "Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for you. Your talents are only..." Hannah trailed off. "Do you even have any talents?"

"You bitch!" Hudson pounced on her, and the two went down squabbling, punching and shoving each other, and shouting in rage.

Penny averted her eyes from their wrestling match. "I really can't believe I'm related to her." She took out her phone and began texting, purposefully spinning around so that her back was to Hannah and Hudson.

"Me neither," Brendan eyed the two with distaste.

Jas, on the contrary, was observing the two with a strange glimmer in her eyes. I knew her well enough to recognise that look. And what she was thinking would never happen. Hannah and Hudson wouldn't ever get together, mainly because their relationship was strictly on a hate only basis and because Hudson was gay.

This would probably be overlooked by Jas (obviously). She would make up some theory about Hudson being bisexual, and her story would escalate from there. I knew this because Penny had whispered to me plenty of times about the many scenarios Jas had created regarding Kameron and I.

"Um, a little help here?" Hannah screeched at her twin as Hudson attempted to judo flip her. Penny did not budge.

After about twenty minutes, Penny and Brendan thought it would be best to break up their fight before it escalated a bit too far, and so they did, with Brendan forcefully dragging Hudson away and Penny trying to carry her twin but struggling. Linny and I simply stood side by side, once in a while shooting each other a sideways glance that read: can you believe them?

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