Chapter 28: the true kismet | Kameron

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"Channel the magic within you, like so." Kit made a complex motion with his fingers, taming the ball of water rippling in the air. I copied him, watching him closely. Unlike the previous times before, I felt something strange stir in me, and it responded to my call, making the ball of water shudder.

Someone clapped behind me, and I turned to see Evan beaming at me from the bench by the wall of the room. He'd been distracted ever since we'd gotten here, I knew that. He'd been overwhelmed with the prospect of a world with magic, and then on top of that, there had been the issue of Cailyn's new magic. Cailyn was currently sitting beside Evan, picking at her fingernails and pretending to look bored, but I had spied her discreetly trying to listen in to what Kit was teaching me many times before.

Kit had taken over with my training, since Samidha had insisted that it would be more beneficial for me to learn to use my magic rather to keep sparring with her for hours on end. I had still been doubtful that the magic had come from me, out of all people, until Kit had begun his lesson. It was as if he'd coaxed the magic to emerge.

I didn't know how to describe it, but it was a beautiful feeling whenever it did. The only problem was that no one actually knew what my power was. Justina had determined that I was not an Elementalist, and Kit had only confirmed it when he had arrived. However, he'd still been eager to teach me, saying that I would need all the magical practice I could get if I wanted to fight with the rebels in the war.

Kit was smiling, but he had dark circles under his eyes. I felt bad for him, knowing that the night before, he'd arranged to move me into a bigger room to sleep in, so that Evan, Cailyn and I could stay together. When I'd questioned him about the change, he'd said, "I just want her to feel at home. And you as well," he'd added hastily, noting his slip up, but I'd just laughed softly.

I had a suspicion that he'd stayed up the night, wondering how possibly to make things easier for Cailyn. He'd been enthusiastic about having Evan and Cailyn joining my lesson, and with some prodding from me, Evan had convinced the grey and purple haired girl to tag along. Kit had even offered to teach her with me, but Cailyn had refused before he'd even finished his sentence. I guess she had her reasons, but I wished that she wasn't so hard on the aquamarine eyed boy.

The reason behind both Cailyn and I gaining magic was a mystery, but right now, solving it wasn't the biggest priority. Samidha had gone to the Cheshire Cat - Lillian - but she hadn't given a straight answer, saying, "What I'll know is what you will know, when you discover the truth behind yourself."

"That's good, Kameron," Kit praised me now. He let the water ball drift closer to me. "Try and blow the water apart." He'd said earlier that air magic was the closest thing to my power, so he was treating it as such, until my magic reacted differently than how he expected it to turn out.

I imagined my magic weaving through the water and blasting it apart, and it did just that. I couldn't stop the grin spreading across my face. "I think I'm getting the hang of it."

"You are," Kit's face was practically glowing. "Why don't we take a break? I could do with some food from the cafeteria."

"Of course," I began to follow, but paused, stretching out a hand for Evan to take.

He did so, and marvelled, "Who knew my girlfriend was going to become such a talented magic user?"

I giggled, and lightly slapped his arm. "Thank you for the compliment."

The cafeteria had changed from what it had looked like before. The floor had been remade, most likely by Hamish, who had churned the dirt to even it out to make it appear like a floor. Newly made tables were set up, and I spotted Kelvin and Chae, who were trying to hang magically powered lights from the ceiling.

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